Lektrik Sportz Game

A Captain NEAT-O Adventure

Let's get one thing straight. This is not Electric Football™. Doctor Lamento destroyed the football years ago because, you know, he's evil. But, I get ahead of myself. This is the story of Captain NEAT-O who is far from home and falls into the clutches of Doctor Lamento.

The evil Doctor forces our hero to face off against his most formidable opponent, NEAT-O himself, in a spectacle the Doctor calls Lektrik Sportz Game (because he can't spell and, you know, he's evil.)

Game Play

Run from one end of the field to the other while avoiding your opponents. You should make it home in under 5 minutes. Don't fall off.

Your teammates can help block the opponents and you can set their overall direction and confrontation style in the strategy session.

If you are using a keyboard to play, use the X key to advance to the next screen/teammate and the Z key to switch modes in the strategy session. Arrow keys select options, set direction, and move teammates.


All assets used in the making of this game are courtesy of Toy Box Jam 3. I borrowed @mot's Instant 3D Plus! library and hacked it a bit to get an additional camera angle. All other code, the poetry, and the idea for this adventure are my own.