
Starter kit for a Facebook IFrame App

Primary LanguageRuby

This is the Bikle Facebook IFrame Demo.

I use this demo as a "starter kit" when I begin work on a new Facebook IFrame app.

Here is a checklist I follow to run this on my Mac (OS/X 10.5.8):

- Check that I am running ruby 1.8.7
- Check that I am running Rails 2.3.5
- I git clone this software (the software you are looking at) to my Mac
- I Create a new Facebook Application using the wizard here:
  - http://www.facebook.com/developers/apps.php

  - Use the screendumps in public/images/ to guide me through the FB wizard:
    - http://github.com/bikle/facebook_iframe/blob/master/public/images/basic.png
    - http://github.com/bikle/facebook_iframe/blob/master/public/images/authentication.png
    - http://github.com/bikle/facebook_iframe/blob/master/public/images/profiles.png
    - http://github.com/bikle/facebook_iframe/blob/master/public/images/canvas.png
    - http://github.com/bikle/facebook_iframe/blob/master/public/images/connect.png
    - http://github.com/bikle/facebook_iframe/blob/master/public/images/widgets.png
    - http://github.com/bikle/facebook_iframe/blob/master/public/images/advanced.png
    - http://github.com/bikle/facebook_iframe/blob/master/public/images/migrations.png

- I Edit these files:
  - config/database.yml:
    - http://github.com/bikle/facebook_iframe/blob/master/config/database.yml
  - config/facebooker.yml:

- I Establish an ssh-tunnel between my Mac and a server on the net:
  - demo shell command: 
    ssh -nNt -g -R :3331: bikle@bikle.net

- I Start rails:
  - script/s3331

- I then try my app URL

- I then see something like this:
  - http://github.com/bikle/facebook_iframe/blob/master/public/images/hello_world2.png

If I see something like the above image, 
I am confident that my Rails server is correctly serving IFrame content to my Facebook App.