Spooner’s entry for Ludum Dare 18 – “Enemies as weapons”
This is my first LD. This game is quite simple, but has some concepts it may take a couple of games to understand.
By taking control of your enemies, you can block and kill the other enemies that are nearly as tough as you are.
Unfortunately, while controlling an enemy, the other enemies will continue to attack you so you need to protect yourself
AND make sure you don’t run out of energy, freeing your slave! Sometimes running away for a bit is the best plan…
Best, though, is play and figure it out for yourself! Press F1 for in-game help.
License: GPL v3
Website: http://spooner.github.com/games/alpha_channel/
Author: Bil Bas (http://spooner.github.com) (bil dot bagpuss {at} gmail.com)
- Windows:
. - OS X:
- Linux:
ruby bin/alpha_channel.rbw
(see below under compatibility for requirements).
NOTE: The game saves settings and high-scores into ‘~/.alpha_channel_spooner’
NOTE: The game will upload your high score if they beat one of the 20 global high scores for the difficulty you are playing on, along with the name you type in and the time. No other information is recorded.
Press F1 or Help for full instructions and control information.
Runs in a 640×480 window (or full-screen at that resolution).
- Windows: Native executable (.exe) available.
- OS X: Native executable (.app) available.
- Linux: Can run from Ruby source + libraries + Ruby gems
- Install Ruby 1.9.2 or higher
- Install libraries needed by Gosu (see http://code.google.com/p/gosu/wiki/GettingStartedOnLinux)
- Install library needed for managing online high scores:
sudo apt-get install libopenssl-ruby
You may alternatively need to install the openssl package with rvm if that is what you are using:
rvm pkg install openssl
rvm install 1.9.3 −−with-openssl-dir=$rvm_path/usr - Install Ruby gem dependencies
bundle install −−without development
If bundler is not installed, you may need to do so beforehand:
sudo gem install bundler
- Special thanks to KanonBaum for the music!
- Thanks to Outrider from #tigirc for helping debug the OSX package.
- Thanks to everyone who tested the game!
- Ruby 1.9.2/1.9.3
- Developed using JetBrains RubyMine IDE
- Sounds created with sfxr and converted to Ogg Vorbis format with Audacity.
- Windows executable created with the Ocra gem.
- Images created with GIMP.
- Gosu, Texplay, Chipmunk and Chingu gems (libraries) [Included in executable versions].
- pixelated.ttf (font by Affinity and Epsilon – benepsilon {at} gmail.com) [INCLUDED]
Full text of the license is provided in COPYING.txt