
rails 4 startup application configured with semantic UI

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


this basic rails 4 application is updated version of RAILS-4-BASIC. Only differences are:

  • introducing slim

  • introducing semantic

  • cleaned and locked gems versions. cleaned unwanted comments generated by rails

other information:

  • Ruby version: 2.2.0

  • Rails version: 4.2.0

there are some latest versions of ruby and rails available. but i restricted myself to the most stable ones.


  • Pre-requisites (you must have installed ruby 2.2.0) and run:

rvm use ruby-2.2.0 --default
  • goto your projects directory:

cd projects

Than run this command to clone this repo:

git clone git@github.com:bilalbash/rails-4-with-semantic.git

as a result, rails-4-with-semantic directory will be created, than goto this directory:

cd rails-4-with-semantic

create gemset like:

rvm gemset create rails-4-with-semantic

than run bundle command:

bundle install

Other configurations

  • Database: I have used sqlite3 as default generated by rails 4.2

  • Database initialization: for the time being there is nothing to be initialized

  • How to run the test suite:

bundle exec rake test


bin/rake test

I have no idea whats a difference between them.
  • Services: no services so far

  • Deployment instructions:

no one deploy such a basic applicaiton. just clone it and start developing it! as described above.

how to start a new rails project or product

  • for example i wanted to create wire tap project

  • the above “git clone” command will be changed like:

git clone git@github.com:bilalbash/rails-4-with-semantic.git wire-tap


git clone git@github.com:bilalbash/rails-4-with-semantic.git wire_tap

there must be no spaces between wire and tap. now you can start developing your rails application!

zeus instructions:

after installing this application. run:

bundle exec zeus start

than keep it in current terminal. Than open another tab to run rails server faster way by:

bundle exec zeus s

in another tab run:

bundle exec zeus c

for details refer: github.com/burke/zeus