
This project based upon this tutorial: https://youtu.be/I6ypD7qv3Z8

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Setup Database

After installing Postgres Database, create db with the name lireddit.

To install this project:

Step # 1: Clone the repo and than change directory to new repository directory:

git clone git@github.com:bilalbash/reddit-react.git lireddit
cd lireddit
git reset --hard [desired release commit hash]

Step # 2: Update src/mikro-orm.config.ts file with your postgresql database user, password and dbName. Which in case of this application is lireddit.

Step # 3: Install dependencies:

yarn install

To run this project

Step # 4: run this command in one terminal window:

yarn watch

After a while the watcher will be ready and generate dist directory.

Step # 5: Open another terminal tab and than install redis and than start redis server via this command:


Step # 6: Than you can run the following command in another terminal tab:

yarn dev

Step # 6: Continue this video link @ 2:07:48