It is a tool for finding desired files in a S3 bucket and cleans them with a rule set.
You can provide access credentials of your AWS account with below environment variables or CLI flags. Keep in mind that command line flags will override environment variables if you set both of them:
"--accessKey" CLI flag or "AWS_ACCESS_KEY" environment variable
"--secretKey" CLI flag or "AWS_SECRET_KEY" environment variable
"--region" CLI flag or "AWS_REGION" environment variable
"--bucketName" CLI flag or "AWS_BUCKET_NAME" environment variable
s3-cleaner start [flags]
--autoApprove Skip interactive approval (default false)
--dryRun specifies that if you just want to see what to delete or completely delete them all (default false)
--fileExtensions string selects the files with defined extensions to clean from target bucket, "" means all files (default "")
-h, --help help for start
--keepLastNFiles int defines how many of the files to skip deletion in specified criteria, 0 means clean them all (default 1)
--maxFileSizeInMb int maximum size in mb to clean from target bucket, 0 means no upper limit (default 15)
--minFileSizeInMb int minimum size in mb to clean from target bucket, 0 means no lower limit (default 10)
--sortBy string defines the ascending order in the specified criteria, valid options are "lastModificationDate" and "size" (default "lastModificationDate")
Global Flags:
--accessKey string access key credential to access S3 bucket, this value also can be passed via "AWS_ACCESS_KEY" environment variable (default "")
--secretKey string secret key credential to access S3 bucket, this value also can be passed via "AWS_SECRET_KEY" environment variable (default "")
--region string region of the target bucket on S3, this value also can be passed via "AWS_REGION" environment variable (default "")
--bucketName string name of the target bucket on S3, this value also can be passed via "AWS_BUCKET_NAME" environment variable (default "")
--fileNamePrefix string folder name of target bucket objects, means it can be used for folder-based object grouping buckets (default "")
-v, --verbose verbose output of the logging library (default false)
WARNING: Please note that environmental flags for accessing AWS (--accessKey, --secretKey etc.) takes precedence over environment variables for these flags (AWS_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_KEY etc.)
Binary can be downloaded from Releases page.
After then, you can simply run binary by providing required command line arguments:
$ ./s3-cleaner start --accessKey=xxxxx --secretKey=xxxxx --region=xxxxx --bucketName=xxxxx
or by providing environment variables for access credentials:
$ AWS_ACCESS_KEY=xxxxx AWS_SECRET_KEY=xxxxx AWS_REGION=xxxxx AWS_BUCKET_NAME=xxxxx ./s3-cleaner start
This project can be installed with Homebrew:
$ brew tap bilalcaliskan/tap
$ brew install bilalcaliskan/tap/s3-cleaner
Then similar to binary method, you can run it by calling below command:
$ s3-cleaner start --accessKey=xxxxx --secretKey=xxxxx --region=xxxxx --bucketName=xxxxx
or by providing environment variables for access credentials:
$ AWS_ACCESS_KEY=xxxxx AWS_SECRET_KEY=xxxxx AWS_REGION=xxxxx AWS_BUCKET_NAME=xxxxx ./s3-cleaner start
This project requires below tools while developing:
- Golang 1.20
- pre-commit
- golangci-lint - required by pre-commit
- gocyclo - required by pre-commit
Simply run below command to prepare your development environment:
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip3 install pre-commit
$ pre-commit install -c build/ci/.pre-commit-config.yaml