DYOR, and NEVER give your mnemonics or sign anything you did NOT intent to! Those websites have not been audited by me, or tested in any way, they are being provided as is by the community.
- If you suspect that any website is harmful, please open an issue, I will remove first and asks questions later!
Presented below is a comprehensive list of exceptional UI tools that all individuals on Cosmos should be acquainted with.
These tools enable users to perform tasks swiftly and efficiently, all while utilizing a remarkably user-friendly interface.
There are tons of hidden gems out there in the open, missed just because they were never heard of, please consider to contribute to this list by opening a PR or an issue, whatever works for you!
- If you want your tool removed from this list for some reason, please open an issue and it will be taken care of.
Mintscan - Mainnets explorer with most of the big chains
Testnet Mintscan - Testnet explorer with some of the chains
Stargaze Testnet Explorer - Explorer for stargaze testnet (elgafar-1)
Terra Explorer - Explorer for terra chains
Ping Dashboard - Explorer, wallet, and more
Ezstaking tool - Mainnets explorer with most of the big chains
Iobscan - Explorer for IBC
kujira finder - Explorer for kujira chain
Nodes guru explorer - Mainnet and testnet explorer for most cosmos chains
Dexmos - Osmosis pool analytics
Map of Zones - Analytics visualizer of cosmos chains and IBC connections.
Mintscan - Data about cosmos chains.
Smart Stake Analytics - Analytics hub for assessing validators, network, relayers, & decentralization metrics.
Observatory - Aggregated validator statistics, decentralization metrics, and scoring
Bro_n_Bro monitors - Chains stats tracker (bonded ratio, staking APR, price, txs per block, etc.)
Juno Tools - Neat tool set for smart contract on Juno
Stargaze Studio - Neat tool set for smart contract on Stargaze
Stargaze Studio Testnet - Neat tool set for smart contract on Stargaze Testnet
Terra Station - Neat tool set for smart contract on Terra and other chains
Subtract Contract Explorer - Tool to explore contracts ( * Unclear what chains are supported )
JunoMint - Easy to use tool to create cw20 on juno
HuaMint - Easy to use tool to create cw20 on chihuahua
Terra Station - Easy to use tool for creating and voting on proposal of multiple chains
Subtract Proposals - Easy to use tool for creating and voting on proposal of all chains
Interchain Gov - Full suite of governance features
Ezstaking - Easy to use tool for creating, depositing and voting on proposal.
Subtract Network - Easy UI to add chains to your Keplr or Cosmostation wallets
Chain-registry App - Chain-registry repo UI to add chains to Keplr wallet
Multisig Notional - Easy UI to handle Multisigs and send TXs.
kohl - UI to send funds from your multisig wallet
DAODAO Wallet - Easy to use UI to manage tokens (including CW20, CW721 and IBC tokens) and Build transactions with the various actions to execute from your wallet on juno chain.
Ezstaking - Ui for sending funds , staking tokens , setting withdrawal address , Editing validator info and more.