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AutomationExercise Test Cases

https://www.automationexercise.com/test_cases I made 26 Test Cases on the website.


Used technologies

Java: The programming language in which the project is written

TestNG: Test Authoring Tool used for writing Test Cases and controlling outputs.

Selenium: Test Automation Tool used to test Website

Page Object Model: It is the architectural structure used in the project.

Maven: Automation and build tool that is usually used during the compilation of commands on the Java platform.

Cucumber:(Cucumber is a test automation approach supported by BDD (Behavior Driven Developmet))

Gherkin: Gherkin is a plain-text language. Designed to be learned by non-programmers

Case Aşamaları

Scenario: Test Case 1_Register User

And Click on Signup Login button
Then Verify New User Signup is visible
And Enter name and email address
And Click Signup button
Then Verify that 'ENTER ACCOUNT INFORMATION' is visible
And Fill details: Title, Name, Email, Password, Date of birth
And Click Create Button
Then Verify that "ACCOUNT CREATED!" message
And Click Continue button
Then Verify that "Logged in as" text
And Click Delete Account button
Then Verify that "ACCOUNT DELETED" is visible and click Continue button

Scenario: Test Case 2_Login User with correct email and password

And Click on Signup Login button
Then Verify Login to your account is visible
And Enter correct email address and password
And Click login button
Then Verify that "Logged in as" text
And Click Delete Account button
Then Verify that "ACCOUNT DELETED" is visible and click Continue button

Scenario: Test Case 3_Login User with incorrect email and password

And Click on Signup Login button
Then Verify Login to your account is visible
And  Enter incorrect email address and password
And Click login button
Then Verify error 'Your email or password is incorrect!' is visible

Scenario: Test Case 4_Logout User

And Click on Signup Login button
Then Verify New User Signup is visible
And Enter name and email address
And Click Signup button
Then Verify that 'ENTER ACCOUNT INFORMATION' is visible
And Fill details: Title, Name, Email, Password, Date of birth
And Click Create Button
Then Verify that "ACCOUNT CREATED!" message
And Click Continue button
Then Verify that "Logged in as" text
And Click Logout Button
Then Verify that user is navigated to login page

Scenario: Test Case 5_Register User with existing email

And Click on Signup Login button
Then Verify New User Signup is visible
And Enter name and already registered email address
And Click Signup button
Then Verify errorr 'Email Address already exist!' is visible

Scenario: Test Case 6_Contact Us Form

And Click on Contact Us button
Then Verify 'GET IN TOUCH' is visible
And Enter name, email, subject and message
And Upload file
And Click Submit button
And Click OK button
Then Verify success message 'Success! Your details have been submitted successfully.' is visible
And Click Home button and verify that landed to home page successfully

Scenario: Case 7_Verify Test Cases Page

And Click on Test Cases button
Then Verify user is navigated to test cases page successfully

Scenario: Test Case 8_Verify All Products and product detail page

And Click on Products button
Then Verify user is navigated to ALL PRODUCTS page successfully
And The products list is visible
And Click on View Product of first product
And User is landed to product detail page
Then Verify that detail detail is visible: product name, category, price, availability, condition, brand

Scenario: Test Case 9_Search Product

And Click on Products button
Then Verify user is navigated to ALL PRODUCTS page successfully
And Enter product name "Summer White Top" in search input and click search button
Then Verifyy 'SEARCHED PRODUCTS' is visible
Then Verify all the products related to search are visible

Scenario: Test Case 10_Verify Subscription in home page

And Scroll down to footer
Then Verify text 'SUBSCRIPTION'
And Enter email address in input and click arrow button
Then Verify success message 'You have been successfully subscribed!' is visiblee

Scenario: Test Case 11_Verify Subscription in Cart page

And  Click Cart button
And Scroll down to footer
Then Verify text 'SUBSCRIPTION'
And Enter email address in input and click arrow button
Then Verify success message 'You have been successfully subscribed!' is visiblee

Scenario: Test Case 12_Add Products in Cart

And Click on Products button
And Hover over first product and click Add to cart
When Click Continue Shopping button
And Hover over second product and click Add to cart
And Click View Cart button
Then Verify both products are added to Cart
Then Verify their prices, quantity and total price

Scenario: Test Case 13_Verify Product quantity in Cart

And Click View Product for any product on home page
And User is landed to product detail page
And Increase quantity to 4
And Click Add to cart button
And Click View Cart button
Then Verify that product is displayed in cart page with exact quantity

Scenario: Test Case 14_Place Order: Register while Checkout

And Click on Products button
And Hover over first product and click Add to cart
When Click Continue Shopping button
And Click Cart button
And Click Proceed To Checkout button
And Click Register Login button
And Fill all details in Signup and create account
Then Verify that "ACCOUNT CREATED!" message
And Click Continue button
Then Verify that "Logged in as" text
And Click Cart button
And Click Proceed To Checkout button
Then Verify Address Details and Review Your Order
And Enter description in comment text area and click Place Order
And Enter payment details: Name on Card, Card Number, CVC, Expiration date
Then Verify success message "Your order has been placed successfully!"
And Click Delete Account button
Then Verify that "ACCOUNT DELETED" is visible and click Continue button

Scenario: Test Case 15_Place Order: Register before Checkout

And Click on Signup Login button
And Fill all details in Signup and create account
Then Verify that "ACCOUNT CREATED!" message
And Click Continue button
Then Verify that "Logged in as" text
And Hover over first product and click Add to cart
When Click Continue Shopping button
And Click Cart button
Then Verify that cart page is displayed
And Click Proceed To Checkout button
Then Verify Address Details and Review Your Order
And Enter description in comment text area and click Place Order
And Enter payment details: Name on Card, Card Number, CVC, Expiration date
Then Verify success message "Your order has been placed successfully!"
And Click Delete Account button
Then Verify that "ACCOUNT DELETED" is visible and click Continue button

Scenario: Test Case 16_Place Order: Login before Checkout

And Click on Signup Login button
Then Verify New User Signup is visible
And Enter name and email address
And Click Signup button
Then Verify that 'ENTER ACCOUNT INFORMATION' is visible
And Fill details: Title, Name, Email, Password, Date of birth
And Click Create Button
Then Verify that "ACCOUNT CREATED!" message
And Click Continue button
Then Verify that "Logged in as" text
And Hover over first product and click Add to cart
When Click Continue Shopping button
And Click Cart button
Then Verify that cart page is displayed
And Click Proceed To Checkout button
Then Verify Address Details and Review Your Order
And Enter description in comment text area and click Place Order
And Enter payment details: Name on Card, Card Number, CVC, Expiration date
Then Verify success message "Your order has been placed successfully!"
And Click Delete Account button
Then Verify that "ACCOUNT DELETED" is visible and click Continue button

Scenario: Test Case 17_Remove Products From Cart

And Hover over first product and click Add to cart
When Click Continue Shopping button
And Click Cart button
Then Verify that cart page is displayed
And Click X button corresponding to particular product
Then Verify that product is removed from the cart

Scenario: Test Case 18: View Category Products

Then Verify that categories are visible on left side bar
And Click on Women category
And Click on Dress category
Then Verify that category page is displayed and confirm text 'WOMEN - DRESS PRODUCTS'
And On left side bar, click on any sub-category link of Men category
Then Verify that user is navigated to that category page

Scenario: Test Case 19_View & Cart Brand Products

And Click on Products button
Then Verify that Brands are visible on left side bar
And Click on any brand name
Then Verify that user is navigated to brand page and brand products are displayed
And On left side bar, click on any other brand link
Then Verify that user is navigated to that brand page and can see products

Scenario: Test Case 20_Search Products and Verify Cart After Login

And Click on Products button
Then Verify user is navigated to ALL PRODUCTS page successfully
And Enter product name "Top" in search input and click search button
Then Verifyy 'SEARCHED PRODUCTS' is visible
Then Verify all the products related to search are visible
And Hover over first product and click Add to cart
When Click Continue Shopping button
And Hover over second product and click Add to cart
And Click View Cart button
Then Verify both products are added to Cart
And Click on Signup Login button
And Enter correct email address and password
And Click Cart button
Then Verify both products are added to Cart

Scenario: Test Case 21_Add review on product

And Click on Products button
Then Verify user is navigated to ALL PRODUCTS page successfully
And Click on View Product of first product
Then Verifyyyy 'WRITE YOUR REVIEW' is visible
And Enter name, email and review
And Click Submitt button
Then Verifyyyyy success message 'Thank you for your review.'

Scenario: Test Case 22_Add to cart from Recommended items

And Scroll to bottom of page
Then Verify RECOMMENDED ITEMS are visible
And Click on Add To Cart on Recommended product
And Click View Cart button
Then Verify that product is displayed in cart page

Scenario: Test Case 23_Verify address details in checkout page

And Click on Signup Login button
And Fill all details in Signup and create account
Then Verify that "ACCOUNT CREATED!" message
And Click Continue button
Then Verify that "Logged in as" text
And Hover over first product and click Add to cart
When Click Continue Shopping button
And Click Cart button
Then Verify that cart page is displayed
And Click Proceed To Checkout button
Then Verify that the delivery address is same address filled at the time registration of account
Then Verify that the billing address is same address filled at the time registration of account
And Click Delete Account button
Then Verify that "ACCOUNT DELETED" is visible and click Continue button

Scenario: Test Case 24_Download Invoice after purchase order

And Click on Products button
And Hover over first product and click Add to cart
When Click Continue Shopping button
And Click Cart button
Then Verify that cart page is displayed
And Click Proceed To Checkout button
And Click Register Login button
And Fill all details in Signup and create account
Then Verify that "ACCOUNT CREATED!" message
And Click Continue button
Then Verify that "Logged in as" text
And Click Cart button
And Click Proceed To Checkout button
Then Verify Address Details and Review Your Order
And Enter description in comment text area and click Place Order
And Enter payment details: Name on Card, Card Number, CVC, Expiration date
Then Verify success message "Your order has been placed successfully!"
And Click Download Invoice button and verify invoice is downloaded successfully.
And Click Continueee button
And Click Delete Account button
Then Verify that "ACCOUNT DELETED" is visible and click Continue button

Scenario: Test Case 25_Verify Scroll Up using 'Arrow' button and Scroll Down functionality

And Scroll down to footer
Then Verify text 'SUBSCRIPTION'
And Click on arrow at bottom right side to move upward
Then Verify that page is scrolled up and 'Full-Fledged practice website for Automation Engineers' text is visible on screen

Scenario: Test Case 26_Verify Scroll Up without 'Arrow' button and Scroll Down functionality

And Scroll down to footer
Then Verify text 'SUBSCRIPTION'
And Scroll up page to top
Then Verify that page is scrolled up and 'Full-Fledged practice website for Automation Engineers' text is visible on screen




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Lessons Learned

Here are the scenario types I tried for the first time. I will write them in headings. There were test cases that were very instructive.

*Downloading files with Selenium

*Checking downloaded file with Selenium

*Using the Faker class that generates new data every time

*Hover over a product and add to cart

*Checking the shopping cart

*Paying with Credit Card


If you have any feedback on the project, please contact me at bilallgunaydin@gmail.com.