
Portal that can be used to maintain patient data, built with Node.js & JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Patient Portal

Table of Contents


  • I have developed a Node.js web application that can be used by different hospitals to maintain patients’ data.
  • I have implemented redis caching to improve application performance and reduce database costs.
  • Session authentication allows only authenticated users to access the portal.





  • Login Authentication
  • Creating Patients
  • Updating Patient
  • Get Patient Data
  • Get Patient List with wallet amount >= some amount x


  • User Authentication
  • Redis Caching

Local Environment Setup

  1. Clone this Repository

    git clone https://github.com/crediblebilal/Patient-Portal.git
    cd Patient-Portal

    You can also Fork the Repo and then clone from your account.

  2. Install required node modules

    npm install
  3. Create necessary environment variables

    I have stored environment variables in .env file in root folder, and inside /config/config.js and /config/dbCredentials.js. Don't forget to add these to .gitignore file.

    Environment Variables

    Variable Name Comment
    PORT Port number on which the application runs on localhost
    NODE_ENV Node environment like development, test
    REDIS_HOST hostname or IP address of your Redis server
    REDIS_PORT Port on REDIS_HOST on which redis starts
    SESSION_MAX_AGE Specifies the time (in milliseconds) in which the Session Expires
    SESSION_SECRET This is the secret used to sign the session ID cookie
    DB_NAME Name of the database in which tables are created
    DB_USERNAME Username of the database user
    DB_PASSWORD password for the DB_USERNAME
    DB_HOST hostname or IP address of your database server
    DB_DIALECT This parameter specifies the type of database you are using. Sequelize supports various database dialects like mysql, postgres, sqlite etc, and you should choose the one that matches your database. Like
  4. Start the Application

    npm run dev


Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to this project, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the above-mentioned Environment Setup.
  2. Create a new branch
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Push the branch
  5. Submit a pull request

Feel free to open an issue if you have questions or need assistance.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE for details.