
Assignment 2 game.

Primary LanguageProcessing

So, What would Duck hunt be like if it was done in processing, with custom(EG I went "pew" into a mic) sounds and was in irish!? Look no more as you found it. Here's the assignment. This game has loads of subtle cool things. You probably won't notice them on your first look too.

Main Menu Main menu"This is the main menu") Note, that the text and box of "Torraíocht na lacha" actually scales depending on the screen size so it never looks weird, they always stray together correctly. The top section says click here to play the game, bottom section right click to view high scores.

Paused Menu ![Paused menu] (http://i.imgur.com/3XHA1Md.png"Paused menu") This took a while to get working but it shows your high score, highest combo, and the amount of times you played the game. Nice for people that love stats. When you right click again it brings you back to where you were.

Main Game ![Duck hunt!] ( http://i.imgur.com/iCY2Uau.png"Duck hunt")

A few things to note, on the bottom where the dirt is it shows(in order desc left to right) you killed ducks, bullets left, score, escaped,combo,highest combo. You also get to see a nice happy face if you have a "good" combo and an indifferent face when you're not doing so well.

Hell Mode ![Hell Mode] (http://i.imgur.com/4u92ktm.png"Hell mode") Ducks go faster, Terrain looks more odd, because well it's hell, it's not meant to be easy. This happens once you kill 20 ducks, they ducks then begin to speed up. I also made the duck a high contrast colour just so it would be easy to see in hell. It's also important to note that by this time the player will begin to notice that the ducks shrink.

Game over ![The End] (http://i.imgur.com/ye1SBdZ.png"Game Over") The game over screen shows you the score you got on that attempt and then tells you what to do to start it all over again.

Hidden things spoilers Spoilers