Harry Potter Kata BDD

This Kata will help candidates learn about BDD development. The .Net version is using SpecFlow & NUnit while the Java implementation is based on Cucumber JVM and JUnit.

Table of Contents

  1. Preparing your machine
  2. Harry Potter Kata
  3. Understanding solution
  4. Licensing
  5. Contacts
  6. Credits

Preparing your machine

1.1. Java

  • Download the package and unzip it. Next, import the project inside the Java folder as a Maven project inside Eclipse.

  • Make sure that you are using JDK and not JRE.

  • Run a build using RunAs => Maven Test

  • Run tests using RunAs => JUnit Tests on the BddTestRunner.java File.

2.1. Installing Visual Studio

2.2. Adding Visual Studio extensions

  • SpecFlow extension adds to visual studio the necessary BDD project templates:

    Open Visual Studio and go to Tools > Extensions and Updates. Search for SpecFlow on the online visual studio gallery and add it.

  • Because we will be using Nunit, it will be useful to add Nunit test adapter 3 extension to visual studio in order to run tests from within the test explorer:

    Open Visual Studio and go to Tools > Extensions and Updates. Search for NUnit test adapter on the online gallery and add it.

2.3. Creating the test project

  • Finally, create a new library project and add reference to the following packages via Nuget Manager console:

    Open Visual Studio and go to Tools > NuGet package manager > NuGet package manager console and type these commands.

    Install-Package NUnit

    Install-Package SpecFlow

Harry Potter Kata

You would like to buy the famous Harry Potter books but you have little money in your pocket so you would like to write a program to help you estimate the total cost of your purchase.

The rules are:

  • A book costs 8 euros
  • There are 5 volumes
  • To get a discount, you must buy books of different volumes:
    • Buying 1 book doesn't give you a discount
    • Buying 2 books applies a 5% discount
    • Buying 3 books applies a 10% discount
    • Buying 4 books applies a 15% discount
    • Buying 5 books applies a 20% discount


Given a basket
When I buy 2 books of volume 1
Then the total is 16 euros	

Given a basket
When I buy 1 book of volume 1
And I buy 1 book of volume 2
Then the total is 15.2 euros

Understanding the solution

  • EstimatePurchaseV1: Create your first feature, generate the steps and check if the test runs ok.
  • EstimatePurchaseV2: Write multiple scenarios and notice how the same steps can share their implementation. Change step scope if necessary.
  • EstimatePurchaseV3: Use step sharing to reuse the existing code and reduce the amount of code parameters to write for a scenario.
  • EstimatePurchaseV4: Demonstrate how tables and its helpers can be used.
  • EstimatePurchaseV5: Use the scenario outline to make a more clear concept and reduce code amount.
  • Note: The .Net implementation is using scopes to separate between steps where Java is using dependency injection to share the basket values.


HarryPotter KataBDD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


To view a copy of this license, visit [ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US ].


Bilel Msekni (msekni.bilel@gmail.com)


Thanks Pierre Gillon for the subject of this Kata: http://www.pierregillon.com/2013/10/bdd-lexemple-du-kata-potter.html