
The website for Tempora publishing house

Primary LanguageHTML


This repository contains the source for a website of Tempora publishing house.


To run the website you have to install anaconda/miniconda and set up virtual environment: https://conda.io/docs/install/quick.html


  1. Set up virtual environment: conda create --name virtenv python=3.6
  2. Activate virtual environment: source activate virtenv
  3. Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Migrate user models first python manage.py migrate users

make sure than you've created a migration for the userprofile app as soon as you may endup with annoying errors due to the conflict with default django auth models.

  1. Make db migrations and migrate: python manage.py makemigrations and python manage.py migrate
  2. Load default user groups: python manage.py loaddata users/fixtures/usergroups.json
  3. Configure translations for existing languages. For example: python manage.py compilemessages -l en


We use less to work with project styles.

Install less packages:

npm install -g less
npm install less-plugin-clean-css -g

Use this command to comple less to minified css files:

lessc -clean-css tempora.less ../css/tempora.min.css