
Final Project for CS50 Web Development. Its is a same looking-working website with Twitter

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Final Project for CS50 Web Development. Its is a same looking-working website with Twitter

Final Project of Cs50s Web Programming with Python and Javascript

This final project is ultimately a combination of 9 weeks lesssons and 5 assignments we have done so far. I created a website with Django Framework in the back-end with 6 different modals and Javascript for the for the front-end development, in which;

  • users can post (with images optionally),
  • display other users profiles and see their information and profile picture,prevoius posts and previous liked posts,
  • follows them, views which users they are following, which users are following them.
  • like their post, view which other users liked their posts
  • and directly message them.
  • Users can view their previously liked posts in their profile page.
  • Users can delete their own posts.
  • Users, in the notifications page, will see their interactions with other users such as who followed them and when or who liked their post and when.
  • In the who to follow section, users will see suggestions for who to follow, users will be changing randomly each time visited the website.
  • I used Twitter API so in the Trends section users can view constantly-changing trend topics, if clicks on a trend, they will be redirect to Twitter's that trend page.
  • In search button, if users search on something, it will display the results of search in Twitter original search page.
  • This website is mobile-responsive.

Blogs I wrote while creating this project

https://medium.com/@bilgedemirkaya/how-to-create-simple-popup-modal-in-django-using-css-js-76ab7153fe00 https://medium.com/@bilgedemirkaya/how-to-get-twitter-trends-api-to-django-project-using-tweepy-d0343761f32a https://medium.com/@bilgedemirkaya/django-typeerror-field-id-expected-a-number-but-got-datetime-datetime-2020-d9a5c1cddc98

How it looks?

Youtube link for demonstration : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDEND7A7MMw&t=204s

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