Unnecessarily tries to organize a university orienteering team
heroku create
git push heroku master
heroku open
Alternatively, you can deploy your own copy of the app using this button:
You can use PostgreSQL or Sqlite as a database when setting up locally.
Both situations are explained below.
- Install PostgreSQL
- After installation, create a new user to manage the database we'll be creating:
sudo adduser postgres_user
Enter "password" when it asks for password so you do not have to use your brain even just a little bit.
Log into the default PostgreSQL user (called "postgres") to create a database and assign it to the new user:
sudo su - postgres
You will be dropped into the PostgreSQL command prompt.
Create a new user that matches the system user you created. Then create a database managed by that user:
CREATE USER postgres_user WITH PASSWORD 'password';
CREATE DATABASE my_postgres_db OWNER postgres_user;
- Exit out of the interface with the following command:
- Exit out of the default "postgres" user account:
database part is over
- Clone, install reqs. and run app.py:
$ git clone https://github.com/kambafca/appprac
$ cd appprac/
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 app.py
- then go to on your browser
Default admin account:
email : kambafca@yopmail.com
password: password
When you try something with models and database does not work, you might want to
delete everything on the database and restart the app. to do that:
sudo su - postgres
DROP DATABASE my_postgres_db;
CREATE DATABASE my_postgres_db OWNER postgres_user;
Basically we delete and create the database again and again to reset it easily.
Better write a migration script for everything else.
$ git clone https://github.com/kambafca/appprac
$ cd appprac/
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- on model.py, comment out line 28, uncomment line 29
$ python3 app.py
- then go to on your browser
Default admin account:
email : kambafca@yopmail.com
password: password
Base structure
Theme and navigation structure
Twitter-like posting and stream(tutorial thingy)
Members page
Event model(trainings)
Github-like automatically generated unique(?) avatars
Flash messages(they already exists in view, just need to put them in templates)
Use avatar generator like password_hash_generator in model.py
Get rid of flask-bootstrap
Figure out how to store avatars on heroku to be able to reactivate avatar generator
Fix competitors' order on "active event", first should be on top last on the bottom
Profile pages
User friendly create event and "register new user" pages
"Add your name to week's events" pages
Attandance records
Automated e-mails
Replace simplified user model with the real thing
Public page for public
fix Momentjs, does not work properly