
a flask learning project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


An i wanna learn flask project

Unnecessarily tries to organize a university orienteering team


Deploying to Heroku

heroku create
git push heroku master
heroku open

Alternatively, you can deploy your own copy of the app using this button:

Deploy to Heroku

How to set up locally

You can use PostgreSQL or Sqlite as a database when setting up locally.
Both situations are explained below.

Database choice: Postgresql

  • Install PostgreSQL
  • After installation, create a new user to manage the database we'll be creating:
sudo adduser postgres_user
  • Enter "password" when it asks for password so you do not have to use your brain even just a little bit.

  • Log into the default PostgreSQL user (called "postgres") to create a database and assign it to the new user:

sudo su - postgres
  • You will be dropped into the PostgreSQL command prompt.

  • Create a new user that matches the system user you created. Then create a database managed by that user:

CREATE USER postgres_user WITH PASSWORD 'password';
CREATE DATABASE my_postgres_db OWNER postgres_user;
  • Exit out of the interface with the following command:
  • Exit out of the default "postgres" user account:

database part is over

  • Clone, install reqs. and run app.py:
$ git clone https://github.com/kambafca/appprac  
$ cd appprac/
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 app.py
  • then go to on your browser
    Default admin account:
    email : kambafca@yopmail.com
    password: password


When you try something with models and database does not work, you might want to
delete everything on the database and restart the app. to do that:

sudo su - postgres
DROP DATABASE my_postgres_db;
CREATE DATABASE my_postgres_db OWNER postgres_user;

Basically we delete and create the database again and again to reset it easily.

Better write a migration script for everything else.

Database choice: Sqlite

$ git clone https://github.com/kambafca/appprac  
$ cd appprac/
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • on model.py, comment out line 28, uncomment line 29
$ python3 app.py
  • then go to on your browser
    Default admin account:
    email : kambafca@yopmail.com
    password: password
todo stuff

  • Base structure

  • Theme and navigation structure

  • Twitter-like posting and stream(tutorial thingy)

  • Members page

  • Event model(trainings)

  • Github-like automatically generated unique(?) avatars

  • Flash messages(they already exists in view, just need to put them in templates)

  • Use avatar generator like password_hash_generator in model.py

  • Get rid of flask-bootstrap

  • Figure out how to store avatars on heroku to be able to reactivate avatar generator

  • Fix competitors' order on "active event", first should be on top last on the bottom

  • Profile pages

  • User friendly create event and "register new user" pages

  • "Add your name to week's events" pages

  • Attandance records

  • Automated e-mails

  • Replace simplified user model with the real thing

  • Public page for public

  • fix Momentjs, does not work properly