Fantasy Orienteering League App
- User agreement
- Login error text
- Recover password
- Create separate view for team selection, just redirect from home.
- Create "if race, show button" kind of logic on player select so that it can work without a race on the database
- Create new model for storing old race result data, create a view and write a script for transferring current race data to result data.
- Fix score calculation mechanism, try to make it more robust and maybe create a view for it so that people can do it without admin panel.
- currently, static files for league app sits in /static/league. However it must be /league/static/league. This is intentional since I don't have to define a separate location for static files in nginx conf. and run "python3 collectstatic" on every update on the repository. Consider doing these things the right way.
to avoid integrity error when loading dumped data:
python3 dumpdata --exclude auth.Permission --exclude contenttypes > fixture.json
query annotating how many times a player is selected by users: