METU Orienteering Team Fantasy Orienteering League Game
- pyenv
- pipenv
$ pip install --user pipenv
$ pipenv
zsh: command not found: pipenv
add this to your .zshrc or update it accordingly.
export PATH
to enter virtualenv
$ pipenv shell
to exit
$ exit
you might run deactivate
this might mess up pipenv. in that case:
$ pipenv --venv
to see venv directory and delete it then you can start a new virtualenv again
$ brew update
$ brew install pyenv
this projects will be using python 3.10.4 so
$ pyenv install 3.10.4
$ pyenv global 3.10.4
of course you don't need to switch python version globally. from pyenv docs:
To select a Pyenv-installed Python as the version to use, run one of the following commands:
pyenv shell [version] -- select just for current shell session
pyenv local [version] -- automatically select whenever you are in the current directory (or its subdirectories)
pyenv global [version] -- select globally for your user account
$ pyenv install 3.10.4
$ pyenv global 3.10.4
$ pipenv shell
$ pipenv install
[$ pre-commit install]
$ python[3] runserver
To compile sass files:
$ python3 sass [input file path] [output file path] -g -t compressed
sass params:
-g : generate source map
--watch : well... watch
-t [expanded|nested|compact|compressed] : compression level
To manually run the pre-commit hook:
$ pre-commit run --all-files