
Flight Search API case study Amadeus

Primary LanguageJava

Flight Search API


Flight Search API is a RESTful Spring Boot web service that provides flight-related information. It includes functionality for searching flights, managing user roles, registering and logging in for admin and users, performing CRUD operations on flight and airport entities.

Technologies Used

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • MySQL
  • Hibernate
  • JPA
  • JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
  • Spring Security


  • The application uses MySQL as its database (Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server)
  • MySQL Workbench is used to monitor data
  • Database create table statements are given as example in flightsearchapi/database_related folder



  • id (int)
  • city (String)


  • id (int)
  • departureAirport (Airport)
  • arrivalAirport (Airport)
  • departureDateTime (LocalDateTime)
  • arrivalDateTime (LocalDateTime)
  • price (BigDecimal)


  • id (int)
  • username (String)
  • password (String)


  • id (int)
  • name (String)

Entity Relationships

  • Airport-Flight: one-to-many (bi directional)
  • User-Role: many-to-many

Endpoints and Requests

Airport CRUD Endpoints and Requests

(available for admins)
  • GET api/airports: Retrieve a list of all airports.
  • GET api/airports/{airportId}: Retrieve details of a specific airport by ID.
  • POST api/airports: Create a new airport.
    • body:
      "id": 0,
      "city": "string"
  • PUT api/airports/{airportId}: Update details of a specific airport by ID.
    • body:
      "id": 0,
      "city": "string"
  • DELETE api/airports/{airportId}: Delete a specific airport by ID.

Flight CRUD Endpoints and Requests

(available for admins)
  • GET api/flights: Retrieve a list of all flights.

  • GET api/flights/{flightId}: Retrieve details of a specific flight by ID.

  • POST api/flights: Create a new flight.

    • body:
        "id": 0,
        "departureAirportId": 0,
        "arrivalAirportId": 0,
        "departureDateTime": "2024-01-03T10:52:20.363Z",
        "arrivalDateTime": "2024-01-03T10:52:20.363Z",
        "price": 0
  • PUT api/flights/{flightId}: Update details of a specific flight by ID.

    • body:
        "id": 0,
        "departureAirportId": 0,
        "arrivalAirportId": 0,
        "departureDateTime": "2024-01-03T10:52:20.363Z",
        "arrivalDateTime": "2024-01-03T10:52:20.363Z",
        "price": 0
  • DELETE api/flights/{flightId}: Delete a specific flight by ID.

Auth Endpoints and Requests

(no restriction on availability)
  • POST api/auth/register: Register a new user.
    • body:
        "username": "string",
        "password": "string"
  • POST api/auth/login: Authenticate and receive a JWT token (valid for 15 minutes).
    • body:
        "username": "string",
        "password": "string"

Flight Search Endpoints and Requests

(available for admins and users)
  • GET api/search/flights
    • ?departureCity=cityName&arrivalCity=cityName&departureDate=yyyy-mm-dd: Retrieve one-way flights according to filters.
    • ?departureCity=cityName&arrivalCity=cityName&departureDate=yyyy-mm-dd&returnDate=yyyy-mm-dd: Retrieve two-way flights according to filters.


The API uses JWT for authentication. JWT tokens are provided in the response body of a login request. Include the obtained JWT token in the Authorization header before sending a reuqest. JWT token is required for all handled endpoints except register and login.

  • In Postman, select Bearer token in Authorization tab
  • In Swagger UI, enter the token in Authorize section
Role-based Access
  • Users have the role USER.
  • Admins have the roles ADMIN and USER.

Passwords are stored in the database table named roles with BCrypt encoding

Running the Project

  • Use an IDE to run the project
    • IntelliJ IDEA
    • etc.
  • Open a terminal window and navigate to the root of the project
    • Build the project:
      mvn clean install
    • Run the project:
      mvn spring-boot:run


After running, the Swagger OpenAPI UI is available here or you can get the JSON version from here

Additional Notes

To try out the endpoints, you can use already registered users (3 admin, 1 user). You can reach their credentials in flightsearchapi/registered_users_information folder