This sample JavaScript application demonstrates using AngularJS/Express/Node.js to access data from a z/OS system (CICS/Cobol program, DB2 z/OS Database, and DVM/VSAM Virtual Table) using REST APIs. The goal is show how easy it is to incorporate z/OS application data into an existing Node.js application using RESTful APIs and that z/OS application data can be accessed and used just like REST/JSON applications on any other platform.
The backend CICS application is the Catalog Manager sample Cobol application which has been REST API enabled using z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition. Additional data from z/OS Connect APIs utilizing data from a DB2 z/OS database and from a DVM/VSAM Virtual Table have been incorporated to enhance the application. All of the z/OS Connect APIs are called through a Bluemix SecureGateway Service.
The AngularJS structure of the application is based on the PhoneCat Tutorial app on the site (
To recreate this sample environment on your pc:
install git, node.js/npm, and bower:
clone the git repository --> "git clone"
run the npm and bower installs:
cd to the egui-v3 directory then run --> "npm install" cd to the egui-v3/public dir then run --> "bower install"
start the Node.js/Express server:
cd to the main egui-v3 directory then run: "npm start" access application at: http://localhost:3000/#!/items