
Construction management solution built on asynchronous microservices 🏗️.

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Opus CM

Opus CM is an open source construction project management platform built on asynchronous microservices. Opus utilizes NATS Streaming Server as a central event bus for message-based communication between services and Kubernetes for container orchestration.


Opus CM is organized around multiple services. Each "microservice" is responsible for a small portion of the system and communicates with other services via a pub/sub pattern, using a central event bus as a message broker. Below is the list of services that Opus CM is built on.

Service Description
Users Service The Users Service controls user registration, password management, and role management.
Organizations Service The Organizations Service controls all functionality for creating, reading, updating, and deleting organizations.
Notifications Service The Notifications Service is responsible for dispatching all notifications to users. For now, notifications are only dispatched as emails.
Submittals Service The Submittals Service controls all CRUD operations for submittals.

Authentication & Roles

Registration and authentication of users is handled by Firebase. Each service will utilize the Firebase Admin client to authenticate incoming requests. Additionally, a custom claim will be embedded in the JWT to define the user's role. This claim will contain a boolean value indicating whether or not the user is a SYS_ADMIN.


Events consist of a subject and a payload. Publishers dispatch events with a subject and subscribers to that subject receive the event and its payload. Subscribers belong to a "queue group" which tells the event bus that only one of the subscribers in a given queue group is to receive the event. All payload data is transfered as a single string and must be sent as and parsed to JSON data structures.

Event List

Below is a table of events, with their subjects and payload structures.

Subject Payload
user:created User
user:updated User
user:role_changed { id: uuid, role: Role }
organization:created Organization
organization:updated Organization
organization:deleted { id: uuid }

Payload Types

It is necessary to define common data structures that each service can understand. Below are definitions for data structures that may appear as payloads in an event.

Type Structure
User { id: uuid, email: string, role: Role }
Organization { id: uuid, name: string }

HTTP Responses

Responses returned to users are to include the Content-Type header application/json. Keys in the JSON data must be named using camel case.

Object Key

Each object in the JSON response should have an "object" key, which will inform the consumer about what type of data to expect. List or array responses should have a key of "list" and an additional key of "data", which contains the array or list of objects.


Like successful HTTP responses, returned errors must conform to a common definition. Below is a list of errors and their default messages. In most cases, the default error message should not be used, and a more specific message should be provided.

Error Name Status Code Details
Bad Request Error 400 Request was poorly formatted.
Validation Error** 400 A request validation error occurred.
Unauthorized Error 401 An authorization token was not provided or is invalid.
Insufficient Permissions Error 403 You do not have the requisite permissions to perform this operation.
Not Found Error 404 The requested resource was not found.
Internal Server Error 500 An unknown error occurred.
** Validation errors may contain a list of errors under the "details" key.

Environmental Variables

Opus CM requires some global environmental variables to be exposed to each service. Below is the list of required environmental variables. These variables are exposed to each service through Kubernetes secrets. Specific services may require additional environmental variables.

Secret Name Type Key Description
firebase-config file n/a This secret points to a volume containing the Google application credentials required for initializing the authenticaion capabilities of Firebase.
pg-user literal PG_USER This secret contains the username to be used for all PostgreSQL database connections across the application.
pg-password literal PG_PASSWORD This secret contains the password to be used for all PostgreSQL database connections across the application.
nats-cluster-id literal NATS_CLUSTER_ID This secret contains the cluster name used by the NATS Streaming Server event bus. All "clients" must connect to this cluster.