
A docker container project which routes traffic to other docker containers based on the domain (Host header)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

HAProxy Domain Routing Docker Container

This repository contains Dockerfile of Haproxy for Docker's automated build. The container specialises in routing traffic based on domains to other Docker containers.

What does this project do?

Below is a diagram which describes the functionality of the Docker container.

documentation - overview.png

The HAProxy container takes a configuration which is written in YAML and routes the traffic according to this configuration.

Real world example:

documentation - example.png

How does it work?


  • Build the dockerfile/ubuntu image.
    Use this method to have the most up to date ubuntu container.

      docker build -t="dockerfile/ubuntu" github.com/dockerfile/ubuntu
  • Build the haproxy image.
    Use an up to date base image dockerfile/ubuntu from the previous step.

      docker build -t="dockerfile/haproxy" github.com/czerasz/haproxy
  • Finally build the haproxy-routing image

      docker build -t czerasz/haproxy-routing github.com/czerasz/docker-haproxy-domain-redirect
  • Download and adjust the YAML configuration file

      cd $project_dirirectory/config
      curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/czerasz/docker-haproxy-domain-redirect/master/config/haproxy-redirect-configuration.yml.example -o haproxy-redirect-configuration.yml
      # Adjust the config to Your needs

    Sample configuration:

      # This section describes the stats HAProxy user interface and it's login details.
      # This section is not required but when it's used the user and password fields are required.
          user: test
          password: some-strong-password
          uri: /haproxy-stats
          port: 42081
      # We recommend adding an md5 hash to the uri so it's harder to find
      # uri: /haproxy-stats-48582b18b977f4b7ae7105e1857d6b5e
      # The domains section is not required.
      # It contains the name of the domain and the container alias name to which the traffic should go
      - name: www.example.com
        container_link_alias: site
      - name: staging.example.com
        container_link_alias: site-staging
      # The redirects section is not required.
      # It contains details about 302 and 301 redirection.
      - from: example.com
        to: www.example.com
        type: 301

    You can find a sample configuration file here.

  • Run the haproxy-routing container

      docker run --name haproxy-routing \
                 -p 80:80 \
                 -p 42081:42081 \
                 -v $project_dirirectory/config:/data/haproxy/config \
                 --link site-container-name:site \
                 --link site-staging-container-name:site-staging \
                 -d czerasz/haproxy-routing

Base Docker Image

HAProxy Configuration Generator

HAProxy Configuration Generator is the application which generates the /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg configuration file based on a yaml configuration.


Required dependencies (on Ubuntu):

sudo apt-get install python-dev libevent-dev -y


cd haproxy-config-generator-app
virtualenv vendor
source vendor/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: To deactivate the virtual environment execute deactivate in Your termimnal


Install required packages:

pip install -r requirements-test.txt

Run the test spec:


To see a sample configuration (test/tmp/haproxy.cfg) run:

python app.py test

Known issues

  • "no downtime" deploy doesn't exist
  • when build and run an application container the haproxy-routing container has to be restarted as well
  • no docker init script
