Ethereum DAPP Contracts (written in Solidity)
A "Blockchain" clinic with members being care providers(doctors) and patients. There are also admins (2 have been preset when deploying locally). Some functions can only be called by admins such as deleting a doctor.
- Any member can enrol as a doctor
- Only admins can delete doctors
- Any member can register with a doctor
- Registration creates a registry struct entry with a MRN generated
- MRN is a global counter tracking number of the patient-doctor registration mappings
- Only doctor can submit a Medical Record for its own patients which means there must exist a patient-doctor registration mapping
- Medical Record is created with the "verified" attribute set False
- A Patient is identified by a MRN in the Medical Record struct
- The "verified" flag must and can only be set (to true) by the patient represented by the MRN in the Medical Record
- Node and npm installed
- truffle installed
- A local Ethereum development server such as ganache
- Metamask is added to Chrome
(The UI demonstrates the enrolling of a doctor. You will see the added doctor and its doctorId included in the list of doctors)
- Run the local Ethereum development server, I use ganache-cli
- From a terminal/command prompt, fire up ganache-cli
- git clone
- Check truffle-config.js to ensure your network setting
- I use below for my local development server
development: { host: '', port: '8545', network_id: '*' }, - On another terminal, cd into the local health-chain folder
- from health-chain$
- (npm install)
- (npm init)
- truffle migrate --reset
- cd into the "client" folder
- npm start (Install npm if you have not done so already) (You may need to do "npm init" from the current folder)
- Assume node is properly set up in this "client" folder
- Will see similar to ... Compiled successfully!
You can now view client in the browser.
Local: http://localhost:3000/ On Your Network:
Note that the development build is not optimized. To create a production build, use yarn build.
- Go to Chrome and fire up http://localhost:3000/
- Make sure MetaMask is set to the local development server
- Follow the included video to run the UI (You should be running the UI as accounts[0] as accounts[1] through accounts[3] have already been added by the contract's constructor)
- Finally, to complete the rest of the tests (Only the enrolDoctor, getDoctors, getTotalDoctors solidity functions are included in this UI test, more functionalities are tested by the healthchainTest script in the test/ folder.)
- review the test script, health-chain/test/healthchainTest.js
- run "truffle test"
I did not use library in the health-chain contract. Created a LibraryDemo truffle project and contract (LibraryDemo.sol) to demonstrate the use of a simple custom Library (TestLib.sol)
To test the using of library TestLib.sol, a test contract is created in the test/ folder. To run the test script, do "truffle test"
transaction hash: 0x4b248a2dd0c6343c3ab6f8f2bf5f51d2694910e55f1df4cbba61aa4825e991d3 Blocks: 0 Seconds: 9 contract address: 0x582B658394e00EcEF7024777D918bfd2f9bB9430 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ block number: 4813736 block timestamp: 1564335962 account: 0x56c413b9DF155DB41f48cDDbb68e7e3Ebd12a2fc balance: 2.918861362 gas used: 988816 gas price: 20 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.01977632 ETH
Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts
Total cost: 0.01977632 ETH