By cloning this repo you'll have access to a multi auth Laravel Breeze project with the ability to switch between different accounts.
This project builds in Laravel Breeze which has two guards (User & Admin), for a multi auth system it has different tables in the database, different routes, and pages for login, register, and dashboard. On switching from the User to Admin or the opposite, all data will move to the considered table.
- Clone this repository to your local machine or just download the zip from the above green button.
git clone
- Make sure you have the Composer installed, then run this command in your command-line (you should be inside your project directory).
composer install
Rename .env.example to .env and add your database.
Generate application key.
php artisan key:generate
- Create tables.
php artisan migrate
- Start the development server.
php artisan serve
Concongratulations your project is up and running now.