
A postman collection for testing a Billbee custom shop api implementation

MIT LicenseMIT

Billbee Custom Shop API Postman Collection

This repository contains a Postman collection to test your implementation of the custom shop API.

How to use

Download and import the Postman collection

  1. Download the Postman collection
  2. Open Postman and click File > Import... or press ctrl + o
  3. Select the downloaded .json file.

Setup the environment

  1. Create a new environment (upper right corner inside the Postman window)
  2. Add this variables to the environment
    • shop_endpoint: The URL to your API Endpoint
    • auth_user: If BasicAuth is used -> the username
    • auth_password: If BasicAuth is used -> the password
    • auth_security_key: If Token Authentication is used, the Security Key
  3. Save the collection
  4. Select the environment in the dropdown

Performing requests

Click on a request you want to perform in the Billbee Custom Shop Postman collection

Fill required parameters and click the send button: