
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Team can make use of provided datasets, scripts, or other resources to explore topics or innovative methods to extract information from vison and auditory.

Team can think of some potential focuses:

  • Any topics that interest you the most... Enjoy the Hackathon!
  • The usage of image depth for environmental sciense
  • The distribution of different sound events
  • The viewshed and urban perceptions
  • Some challenges...
    • Photo-based viewshed analysis (image2LiDAR)
    • Training soundscape prediction based on pairwised comparison labels
    • Predicting soundscape using sounds and photos


Provided datasets include photos and sounds/spectrograms collected from 200 locations across the city core of Ann Arbor, MI.

Potential Packages

  • google-streetview a python package for scrapping Google street view using API
  • fastai a python package for training neuralnetwork
  • viewscape an R package for computing land information within viewshed

Sample Scripts

  • Panoramic photo slpliter
  • Semantic segmetation
  • Visible greeness extraction
  • Sound semantic clssification
  • Image depth estimation

Other Helpful Resources

Recommanded Readings

Usage of this instruction

  1. Get a Google account and set up a folder in your Google Drive. In this case, let's assume you create a folder called multisensory_data.

  2. Create a new Google Colab file (jupyter notebook) in the folder. In Colab, you should connect to your Google Drive and set up the work directory.

Here is what you run in your first code cell:

from google.colab import drive
# setup working directory to a folder in Google Drive
import os 
root_dir = "/content/drive/My Drive/"
# set folder name (this folder should exist in 'root_dir')
project_folder = "multisensory_data/"

def set_working_directory(project_folder):
  # change the OS to use your project folder as the working directory
  os.chdir(root_dir + project_folder)
  print('\nYour working directory was changed to ' + root_dir + project_folder + \
        "\n\nYou can also run !pwd to confirm the current working directory." )

  1. Then, you can clone this repo in your work directory with the code below in your second code cell:
! git clone https://github.com/billbillbilly/Database.git
  1. Finally, you can download datasets using datasets.ipynb in scripts folder.

Well done! Now you are able to start!