GPLv3 License R-CMD-check


A collection of functions to search and download street view imagery and to extract, quantify, and visualize visual features. Moreover, handdy functions are provided to generate Qualtrics survey in TXT format using the collection of street views for various research purposes.


# install the package (develop version) from GitHub
devtools::install_github("land-info-lab/streetscape", dependencies=TRUE)

To use the functions for extracting semantic segmentation, you need to install the python module mapbox_vector_tile. Then restart the R session:



Get your Mapillary API key/token

The foundation of this package is searching and downloading street view meta data supported by the Mapillary API. Before using the functions in this package, you can apply for a key/token so that you can access the Mapillary data.

Get metadata of street view image from Mapillary

With your Mapillary API key/token, you are able to download streetview meta data.

streetscape provides helper function for checking all available meta information:


You can use strview_search functions to search and download meta information via the Mapillary API by using a buffer, a bbox, a spatial point, or multiple spatial points

# 1 search data using a buffer
data <- streetscape::strview_searchByGeo(x = -83.741289,
                                         y = 42.270146,
                                         r = 100,
                                         epsg = 2253,
                                         token = "token")
# 2 search data using a bounding box
bbox <- c(-83.751812,42.272984,-83.741255,42.279716)
data <- streetscape::strview_searchByGeo(bbox = bbox,
                                         epsg = 2253,
                                         token = "token")
# 3 search the nearest data given coordinates in degree (within a 10m buffer)                                   
data <- streetscape::strview_search_nnb(
  x = -83.743460634278,
  y = 42.277848830294,
  epsg = 2253,
  token = 'token')
# 4 Sample data points with a boox along the OpenStreetMap roads
bbox <- c(-83.752041,42.274896,-83.740711,42.281945)
data <- streetscape::strview_search_osm(
        bbox = bbox,
        epsg = 2253,
        token = 'token',
        size = 100)

You can also search data with some filters. Meanwhile, a helper function is provided to check available filters.

# check supported filters
# only search for 360-degree street views
data <- streetscape::strview_searchByGeo(bbox = bbox,
                                         epsg = 2253,
                                         token = "token",
                                         is_pano = TRUE)

There are more fields you can have when downloading data by specifying fields:

data <- streetscape::strview_searchByGeo(x = -83.741289,
                                         y = 42.270146,
                                         r = 100,
                                         epsg = 2253,
                                         fileds = c('captured_at', 'compass_angle')
                                         token = "token")

Extract visual feautures

Semantic segmentation(mask) is included in Mapillary street view database. The functions of this package can get the mask as default. Therefore, one can extract this information and convert it into polygons or images. Moreover, the function for computing green view index (GVI) is designed for calculating the percentage of visible greenness in a scene using images that can be collected by the URL link in the meta information.

Assume one already used strview_search functions to collect data

# Calculate the percentage of each segmentation

# extract the semantic segmentation of a street view
mask <- streetviewdata$get_mask(1)

# Calculate the Green View Index

Map view

# view data in a map view and indicate `fields` to include more properties
map1 <- streetviewdata$mapPreview('meta', 
                                          'width', 'height'))
# assume that one has run data$gvi() and data$decodeDetection()
map2 <- streetviewdata$mapPreview('seg')
map3 <- streetviewdata$mapPreview('gvi')

Go for surveys

Street view has been widely used in surveys to investigate the quality of urban landscape and urban experiences such as safety perception and acoustic experience. You can use two functions to construct surveys in txt format that can be imported in Qualtrics.

With strview2rate, one can put a set of street views and questions into a survey for asking participants to rate or evaluate each image:

# general survey for understanding subjective perception from streetviews
questions <- c('1. To what extent you feel pleasant if you were in this environment', 
              '2. To what extent you feel safe if you were in this environment')
choices <- list(c('Unpleasant','Less pleasant', 'Pleasant', 'More pleasant'), 
                c('Unsafe', 'Less safe','Safe','Safer'))
header <- "Please review the following picture(s):"
streetscape::strview2rate(data, header, questions, choices, file = 'folder/filename')

To generate pair-wised comparison survey:

header <- "Please review the following picture(s):"
questions <- c('which one is more beautiful?', 'which one is safer?')
streetscape::strview2pwc(data, k=1, header, questions, file = 'folder/filename')

(More instruction of importing text files into Qualtrics)


Some functions in the package employ multi-core processing to accelerate computation whereas it is not available on Windows operation system.


Thanks for the work of calcualting GVI in R done by Sachit Mahajan. (2023). greenR: An Open-Source Framework for Quantifying Urban Greenness.

Thank d-vanos for importing text files into Qualtrics

Issues and bugs

If you discover a bug not associated with connection to the API that is not already a reported issue, please open a new issue providing a reproducible example.