
Examing noise correlations in response to texture stimuli

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Examine noise correlations in response to texture stimuli.

Currently, the main use of this repo is to generate "mixed texture metamers", where we run the Portilla-Simoncelli texture model on $k$ grayscale images, calculate a weighted average of their representations, and then synthesize a metamer that matches that mixed representation.

That is, let $M$ be the Portilla-Simoncelli texture model, $x_i$ be natural texture image $i$, $M(x_i)$ be the texture representation of $x_i$ (a vector containing about 700 values) and $\alpha_i$ be the relative weight of that image. We ensure that $\alpha_i > 0\ \ \forall i$ and $\sum_i \alpha_i = 1$, and synthesize a metamer $\hat{x}$, which satisfies $argmin_{\hat{x}} (\sum_i\alpha_i M(x_{i}) - M(\hat{x}))^2$.


All requirements are listed in the included requirements file, and can be installed (ideally, in a clean virtual environment) with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This should work with python version at or above 3.9

Currently, this points to a specific branch of plenoptic because I'm doing some work on the Portilla-Simoncelli texture model. I'll update the requirements file and the relevant code as that progresses. It will speed the code up, but shouldn't change the outputs.


To synthesize these textures, call

python -m generate_textures.main CONFIG OUTPUT_DIR

where CONFIG is a yml file like the config.yml included in this repo (see comments in that file for explanation of the different arguments), and OUTPUT_DIR is the directory to put our output directory in. View python -m generate_textures.main --help to get an explanation of what files are included, how the output directory is structured, and how to load the files for later examination.