Website for viewing Yiddish vocabulary lists
- get wiktionary entry working
- get kentucky entry working
- add toggle to hide words with no definitions
- add total word count
- add toggle to hide all but first definition / all examples
- add toggle for dictionaries
- add exclude list (and button to add to it) (plus buttons to add examples)
- figure out column widths / heights
- figure out indices: have duplicate rows for when sorting by index, how to display when not?
- figure out how to populate collection and title based on github repo
- check what happens when the title changes -- I think it will add, so clear rows all out
- add help on site
- fix favicon paths
- sort by count column is broken
- try using an established table framework (datatables? grid.js?)
- double check it looks good on phone
- see if I can use one of the other jochre output formats to line up between book and wordlist