
Port of Detectron2 to train/deploy model on Amazon Sagemaker

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

This is not official AWS repository. Code provided "as is".


This repository implements port of latest Detectron2 ("D2") to Amazon Sagemaker. Scope includes:

  • training of D2 on custom small balloon dataset using Sagemaker distributed training;
  • training of D2 on COCO2017 using Sagemaker distributed training;
  • deploying trained D2 model on Sagemaker Inference endpoint.


Amazon Sagemaker uses docker containers both for training and inference. For Detectron2 it's planned to create two separate containers for training and serving.

Note: by default training container compiles Detectron2 for Volta architecture (Tesla V100 GPUs). If you'd like to run training on other GPU architectures, consider updating this environment variable. Here is an example on how to compile Detectron2 for all supported architectures:

ENV TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST="Kepler;Kepler+Tesla;Maxwell;Maxwell+Tegra;Pascal;Volta;Turing"

Training on Balloon dataset.

This is a toy example based on D2 tutorial. To run training do following:

  • update container_training/Dockerfile with ENV SAGEMAKER_PROGRAM train_balloon.py;
  • execute build_and_push.sh <image name> to build a new customer Sagemaker-compatible container;
  • open notebook d2_byo_container_balloon_training.ipynb and execute cells one by one.

As a result, you'll see that a Sagemaker training job will be executed within ~6 minutes: training will take ~1-2mins, the rest of the time will be spend on spinning up and tearing down the training.

Training on COCO2017 dataset.

Work in progress. Basic implementation is completed:

  • update container_training/Dockerfile with ENV SAGEMAKER_PROGRAM train_coco.py;
  • open notebook d2_byo_container_coco2017_training.ipynb and execute cells one by one.

Open items:

  • test and benchmark disrtibuted training on Sagemaker, compare to available benchmarks.

Deploying trained D2 model for inference.

Work in progress. Follow instructions in d2_byoc_coco2017_inference.ipynb notebook to host D2 pre-trained model on Sagemaker Inference endpoint.

Open items:

  • try to D2 models to Torchscript (not all model architectures are supported today). If succesfful, torchscript models can use Sagemaker Elastic Inference hosting endpoints (fractional GPUs).