
A react component for playing a variety of URLs, including file paths, YouTube, SoundCloud and Vimeo

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A react component for playing a variety of URLs, including file paths, YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, SoundCloud, Streamable, Vidme, Vimeo, Wistia and DailyMotion.

The component parses a URL and loads in the appropriate markup and external SDKs to play media from various sources. Props can be passed in to control playback and react to events such as buffering or media ending.



npm install react-player --save
# or
yarn add react-player
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import ReactPlayer from 'react-player'

class App extends Component {
  render () {
    return <ReactPlayer url='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysz5S6PUM-U' playing />

See the demo source for a full example.

For platforms like Meteor without direct use of npm modules, a minified version of ReactPlayer is located in dist after installing. To generate this file yourself, checkout the repo and run npm run build:dist


bower install react-player --save
<script src='bower_components/react/react.js'></script>
<script src='bower_components/react/react-dom.js'></script>
<script src='bower_components/react-player/dist/ReactPlayer.js'></script>
    <ReactPlayer url='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d46Azg3Pm4c' playing />,


See a live demo, or run:

git clone https://github.com/CookPete/react-player.git
cd react-player
npm install # or yarn
npm start
open http://localhost:3000

Mobile considerations

Due to various restrictions, ReactPlayer is not guaranteed to function properly on mobile devices. The YouTube player documentation, for example, explains that certain mobile browsers require user interaction before playing:

The HTML5 <video> element, in certain mobile browsers (such as Chrome and Safari), only allows playback to take place if it's initiated by a user interaction (such as tapping on the player).


Prop Description Default
url The url of a video or song to play
playing Set to true or false to pause or play the media false
loop Set to true or false to loop the media false
controls Set to true or false to display native player controls
Note: Vimeo, Twitch and Wistia player controls are not configurable and will always display
volume Sets the volume of the appropriate player 0.8
muted Mutes the player false
playbackRate Sets the playback rate of the appropriate player
Note: Only supported by YouTube, Wistia, and file paths
width Sets the width of the player 640
height Sets the height of the player 360
style Add inline styles to the root element {}
progressFrequency The time between onProgress callbacks, in milliseconds 1000
playsinline Applies the playsinline attribute where supported false
config Override options for the various players, see config prop

Callback props

Callback props take a function that gets fired on various player events:

Prop Description
onReady Called when media is loaded and ready to play. If playing is set to true, media will play immediately
onStart Called when media starts playing
onPlay Called when media starts or resumes playing after pausing or buffering
onProgress Callback containing played and loaded progress as a fraction, and playedSeconds and loadedSeconds in seconds
  ◦  eg { played: 0.12, playedSeconds: 11.3, loaded: 0.34, loadedSeconds: 16.7 }
onDuration Callback containing duration of the media, in seconds
onPause Called when media is paused
onBuffer Called when media starts buffering
onSeek Called when media seeks with seconds parameter
onEnded Called when media finishes playing
onError Called when an error occurs whilst attempting to play media

Config prop

As of version 0.24, there is a single config prop to override the settings for the various players. If you are migrating from an earlier version, you must move all the old config props inside config:

    youtube: {
      playerVars: { showinfo: 1 }
    facebook: {
      appId: '12345'

The old style config props still work but will produce a console warning:

  youtubeConfig={{ playerVars: { showinfo: 1 } }}
  facebookConfig={{ appId: '12345' }}

Settings for each player live under different keys:

Key Options
youtube playerVars: Override the default player vars
preload: Used for preloading
facebook appId: Your own Facebook app ID
soundcloud options: Override the default player options
preload: Used for preloading
vimeo playerOptions: Override the default params
preload: Used for preloading
vidme format: Use a certain quality of video, when available
  ◦  Possible values: 240p, 480p, 720p, 1080p, dash, hls
wistia options: Override the default player options
dailymotion params: Override the default player vars
preload: Used for preloading
file attributes: Apply element attributes
forceAudio: Always render an <audio> element
forceHLS: Use hls.js for HLS streams
forceDASH: Always use dash.js for DASH streams

When preload is set to true for players that support it, a short, silent video is played in the background when ReactPlayer first mounts. This fixes a bug where videos would not play when loaded in a background browser tab.

Multiple Sources and Tracks

When playing file paths, an array of sources can be passed to the url prop to render multiple <source> tags.

<ReactPlayer playing url={['foo.webm', 'foo.ogg']} />

You can also specify a type for each source by using objects with src and type properties.

    {src: 'foo.webm', type: 'video/webm'},
    {src: 'foo.ogg', type: 'video/ogg'}

<track> elements for subtitles can be added using fileConfig:

  config={{ file: {
    tracks: [
      {kind: 'subtitles', src: 'subs/subtitles.en.vtt', srcLang: 'en', default: true},
      {kind: 'subtitles', src: 'subs/subtitles.ja.vtt', srcLang: 'ja'},
      {kind: 'subtitles', src: 'subs/subtitles.de.vtt', srcLang: 'de'}


Static Methods

Method Description
ReactPlayer.canPlay(url) Determine if a URL can be played. This does not detect media that is unplayable due to privacy settings, streaming permissions, etc. In that case, the onError prop will be invoked after attemping to play. Any URL that does not match any patterns will fall back to a native HTML5 media player.

Instance Methods

Use ref to call instance methods on the player. See the demo app for an example of this.

Method Description
seekTo(amount) Seek to the given number of seconds, or fraction if amount is between 0 and 1
getCurrentTime() Returns the number of seconds that has been played
  ◦  Returns null if duration is unavailable
getDuration() Returns the duration (in seconds) of the currently playing media
  ◦  Returns null if duration is unavailable
getInternalPlayer() Returns the internal player of whatever is currently playing
  ◦  eg the YouTube player instance, or the <video> element when playing a video file
  ◦  Use getInternalPlayer('hls') to get the hls.js player
  ◦  Use getInternalPlayer('dash') to get the dash.js player

Supported media


See the contribution guidelines before creating a pull request.


Huge thanks to anyone who has contributed