
Examples of adding metrics to Splunk Smart Agent


Examples of adding metrics to Splunk Smart Agent


The general process is the following:


Some tips and tricks

Below are some common commands and tips you can use in modifying configurations and monitoring logs. They are specific to Linux/Ubuntu but could easily be adapted for other operating systems.

  • Restarting the service
    • Many changes don't require restarting the agent but some (like log level) do
    • sudo service signalfx-agent restart
  • Logging datapoints
    • To view the datapoints
      • signalfx-agent tap-dps
    • To send datapoints to the log
      • Change log level in /etc/signalfx/agent.yaml to Debug
      • Add the following to the writer section of /etc/signalfx/agent.yaml
        • logDatapoints: true
      • Restart the agent
      • Tail the log
        • journalctl -f -u signalfx-agent
  • To view monitors
    • Long output
      • signalfx-agent status monitors
    • Short output
      • signalfx-agent status monitors | egrep '^[0-9]+\.'
    • To get details about a specific monitor (e.g. etcd)
      • signalfx-agent status monitors | sed -n '/\. etcd/,/^$/p'