
My current shell dotfiles

Primary LanguageApacheConf

My current dotfile setup, taken in large part from Geoffrey Groesenbach's Advanced Command-Line PeepCode screencast.

To use this on your Unix system (I'm on OSX):

  1. First, fork your own version of this project using the Fork button at the top of the page. Then you can change it however you like and store the changes on Github.
  2. Click the Copy to clipboard icon at the top of the page in your new repository.
  3. In your terminal, cd ~/bin. Create the dir with mkdir ~/bin if you don't already have it.
  4. Type git clone, paste in the URL you got from above, then press enter. This will insert everything into ~/bin/dotfiles.
  5. cd ~
  6. ls -a ~/bin/dotfiles/examples will reveal the 4 files I keep so I can use either shell (bash or zsh) with largely the same feature set.
  7. Back up your existing ones first. I suggest mv .bashrc .old_bashrc, etc.
  8. Copy the 2 that match your shell (or all 4 if you like) into your home directory with cp ~/bin/dotfiles/examples/.bashrc ., etc.

The next time you open a terminal window, you should get all the features.

If you're on one shell (probably bash) and want to try the other, use chsh -s /bin/bash or chsh -s /bin/zsh (whichever you want to try out) at the command line. You'll have to open a new terminal window to see the change, but now you're good to go!

NOTE ~/bin/dotfiles/shell_config/env contains source ~/.auth, which loads my auth credentials for the various things I do. Make sure you do the same (instead of putting them directly in that file) in order to prevent your passwords from showing up on Github! ;-)