
Tutorial to setup Vault Secret Operator with an External Vault


Tutorial on setting up the Vault Secret Operator with an External Vault.

This is modified version of the tutorial [Deploy the Kubernetes Vault Secrets Operator with HCP Vault Dedicated](Deploy the Kubernetes Vault Secrets Operator with HCP Vault Dedicated. It also uses some commands from gautambaghel /vault-secrets-operator-demo.

** Note your EKS cluster and Vault Server must have network connectivity and be allowed to speak to each other

The example vault server address used in this tutorial https://external-vault.example.net:8200 This tutorial was tested with Vault Enterprise 15.5 and Kubernetes 1.29 on EKS One other note the Vault namespace used is operator. If you not using names spaces you will set the namesspace to root in the configuration

  1. Enable the KV secret engine
vault secrets enable -version=2 -path=secret kv
  1. Create a secret at path secret/exampleapp/config with a username and password.
vault kv put secret/exampleapp/config username='static-user' password='static-pass'
  1. Create a Kubernetes service account named vault-auth with a service account token. This token is used by Vault to authenticate with the Kubernetes API.
kubectl create -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: vault-auth
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: vault-auth
    kubernetes.io/service-account.name: vault-auth
type: kubernetes.io/service-account-token
  1. Create a role for the vault-auth service account to permit access to the Kubernetes API.
kubectl create -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: role-tokenreview-binding
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: system:auth-delegator
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: vault-auth
    namespace: default
  1. Retrieve the vault-auth secret and store it as an environment variable.
VAULTAUTH_SECRET=$(kubectl get secret vault-auth -o json | jq -r '.data') \
  1. Decode the ca.crt certificate and store it as an environment variable.
K8S_CA_CRT=$(echo $VAULTAUTH_SECRET | jq -r '."ca.crt"' | base64 -d)
  1. Decode the token and store it as an environment variable.
VAULTAUTH_TOKEN=$(echo $VAULTAUTH_SECRET | jq -r '.token' | base64 -d)
  1. Set the EKS cluster URL
export K8S_URL=$(kubectl config view --raw --minify --flatten \
   -o jsonpath='{.clusters[].cluster.server}')
  1. Enable the Kubernetes auth method.
vault auth enable kubernetes
  1. Configure the Kubernetes auth method to connect to the Kubernetes API using the vault-auth service account token.
vault write auth/kubernetes/config \
 token_reviewer_jwt=$VAULTAUTH_TOKEN \
 kubernetes_host=$K8S_URL \
vault policy write exampleapp-read - << EOF
path "secret/data/exampleapp/config" {
  capabilities = ["read"]
  1. Create a role for the Kubernetes auth method and include the exampleapp-read Vault policy.
vault write auth/kubernetes/role/exampleapp \
bound_service_account_names=vault-auth \
bound_service_account_namespaces=default \
policies=default,exampleapp-read \
  1. Install and update the HashiCorp Helm repository
helm repo add hashicorp https://helm.releases.hashicorp.com \
    && helm repo update
  1. Install the Vault Secrets Operator.
helm install vault-secrets-operator hashicorp/vault-secrets-operator \
    --namespace vault-secrets-operator \
    --create-namespace \
  1. Create a connection to Vault Dedicated.
kubectl create -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: secrets.hashicorp.com/v1beta1
kind: VaultConnection
  namespace: default
  name: vault-connection
  # address to the Vault server.
  address: https://external-vault.example.net:8200

Make sure to set address to your vault server address that the EKS cluster can speak to.

  1. Verify the configuration.
kubectl describe vaultconnection.secrets.hashicorp.com/vault-connection
  1. Configure authentication for the Vault Secrets Operator controller.
kubectl create -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: secrets.hashicorp.com/v1beta1
kind: VaultAuth
  name: vault-auth
  vaultConnectionRef: vault-connection
  method: kubernetes
  mount: kubernetes
    role: exampleapp
    serviceAccount: vault-auth
  namespace: "operator" #Vault Dedicated (enterprise)
  1. Configure the Vault Secrets Operator to read from the secret KV v2 mount at the exampleapp/config path.
kubectl create -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: secrets.hashicorp.com/v1beta1
kind: VaultStaticSecret
  name: vault-static-secret
  vaultAuthRef: vault-auth
  namespace: "operator" #Vault Dedicated (Enterprise)
  mount: secret
  type: kv-v2
  path:  exampleapp/config
# version: 2
  refreshAfter: 300s
    create: true
    name: vso-handled
  1. Verify the Kubernetes secret was created.
kubectl get secrets
  1. Read the Kubernetes secret value and decode the base64 encoded strings.
kubectl get secret vso-handled -o json | jq ".data | map_values(@base64d)"
  1. Change the secret value
vault kv put secret/exampleapp/config username='static-user-changed' password='static-pass-changed'
  1. Wait a few seconds and check again to see the new values
kubectl get secret vso-handled -o json | jq ".data | map_values(@base64d)"