[Ok To Be Sad] (http://oktobesad.herokuapp.com)
#####[http://oktobesad.herokuapp.com] (http://oktobesad.herokuapp.com)
Do you have a favorite song or YouTube video that always seems to cheer you up? Ok To Be Sad makes your favorite media immediately accessible from your phone when you need it the most. The app meets you wherever you are, with a mobile first design and a user-centric philosophy. If your favorite content isn't enough to brighten your day, tap into Ok To Be Sad's community with its robust, instantaneous chat support. Ok To Be Sad: a community when you need it the most.
- Ruby on Rails
- Javascript / jQuery
- WebSocket Implementation of Faye Instant Messaging
- Thin Rails Server
- Swipe Mobile Gestures Through Owl jQuery Library
- Livestamp jQuery Library for Timestamp Live Updates
- UploadCare Media Uploading
- Clone this repository using git clone in your terminal (you may want to fork and then clone if you wish to contribute):
git clone https://github.com/billhimmelsbach/ok-to-be-sad.git
- Navigate into the directory you cloned the repository to using your terminal:
cd ok-to-be-sad
- Install the required gems using bundle install in your terminal:
bundle install
- Create the PostgreSQL database using rake db:create in your terminal:
rake db:create
- Run all of the necessary migrations by using rake db:migrate in your terminal:
rake db:migrate
- Seed the database with the demo user's data by using rake db:seed in your terminal:
rake db:seed
- Start the Rails server using your terminal:
rails s
Use your browser to navigate to localhost:3000 or your default local port.
Once on the site, you may use the "Demo" button on the landing page or the password combination below to login in to the site:
email: test@test.com
password: test
[Link to User Stories] (https://docs.google.com/document/d/13yL4hnpr4J_7JZDuwjrke1BPLr7o-x7Scbo60_yEkFE/edit?usp=sharing)
Landing Page When Logged In:
Splash Page When Not Logged In:
Sign Up:
Article Forms:
User Profile:
- Support for a wider array of devices using more granular orientation and width media queries
- Vastly increase testing coverage and fully implement factory_girl
- Allow friendships between users using a self-referential friendship table
- Users can message their friends selectively through Faye, messaging suggestions are displayed on the article index
- Friends can share their favorite articles with their friends
- Article indexes are automatically populated with friends' articles
- Assist in new user creation by allowing them to choose from a list of popular articles to pre-seed their article list
- Refreshing the article index with only articles that have not been seen recently though the use of a "last_seen" addition to the articles table
- Once friendships and sharing have been enabled, enable FriendlyId for articles and users
- Implement infinite scroll on the user show page, displaying articles in groups of 10
- Create an admin account that can delete messages from the general chat. Consider also putting a cap on messages allowed per time period
- Allow user to search for YouTube videos though the YT gem and Spotify songs through the Spotify API in a more user friendly way
- Add the social sharing gem for sharing of articles on Facebook and Twitter
- Consider switching to an AJAX/polling method for messaging for scalability
- Long Term Goal: Replace Owl/Livestamp with the React framework
- [Bill Himmelsbach] (https://github.com/billhimmelsbach)