
a socks proxy pool in redis, touch it trough python xmlrpc moudule

clone it

~$: git clone  
~$: cd socks-proxy-pool  

download the socks proxies

  1. visit[* you need proxy to visit it] and download the socks list fiel, It take to find this awesome & free socks proxy provider website, it holds 1500 free socks proxies in average
  2. rename the file to proxy.txt
  3. replace my proxy.txt with it

run redis

  1. build docker image
    ~/socks-proxy-pool/docker_redis: sudo docker build -t redis_6388 .
  2. start redis
    ~/socks-proxy-pool/docker_redis: sudo docker run -d -v ~/socks-proxy-pool/docker_redis/Data:/Data --name c_redis_6388 -p 6388:6388 --net="host" -it redis_6388

now redis is running on your "" with password "yourpasswd"
you can change that in ~/socks-proxy-pool/docker_redis/redis.conf

run python service

  1. build docker image
    ~/socks-proxy-pool/proxy_service: docker build -t proxypool .
  2. start service
    ~/socks-proxy-pool/proxy_service: docker run --name c_proxypool -p 9898:9898 --net="host" -ti proxypool
    now proxy service is running on your ""

by now, all the server side work is done, bellow will talk about usage in your client python file

fetch a proxy

import xmlrpc.client  
conn = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('http://yourhost:9898')  
proxy = conn.fetchproxy()
# proxy is a valid socks proxy as dict
# e.g: {'host': '', 'port': '6493'}

get proxy pool status

import xmlrpc.client
conn = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('http://yourhost:9898')
status = conn.status()
# status is proxy pool status as dict
# {'existed_proxy': 26, 'hours': 0, 'file_time': '2017-04-18 21:00:00', 'alive_proxy': 50}

