
terraform free-tier google cloud VM for IAP access & wireguard VPN with pihole

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Using terraform to provision a free-tier google cloud compute engine which will only allow access via Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) or wireguard VPN

Benefits/Uses of this approach:

  • No external-facing IP for a VM cloud NAT isn't yet free tier
  • Essentially https-based SSH access to a VM (via the gcloud-wrapped IAP session)
  • Remote, secure 'home shell' (additional egress charges may apply)
  • Secure https-based ssh proxy to access other remote ssh resources (additional egress charges may apply)
  • pihole-processed DNS queries while connected via wireguard VPN

For example:

export GOOGLE_CLOUD_KEYFILE_JSON="<some google cloud account json file>"
terraform init
terraform apply

gcloud beta compute ssh \
  --account "<some GCP account address>" \\
  --project "<some GCP project name>" \\
  --zone "us-east1-b" \\
  --tunnel-through-iap "<some user>@cloud"

To configure a client to use the wireguard VPN via QR Code, ssh to the VM (using the IAP instructions above) and run,

qrencode -t ansiutf8 -l L < /etc/wireguard/clients/mobile-wg0.conf

... and scan the generated QR code with your wireguard client.

To add additional wireguard peers or change the wireguard configuration, ssh to the VM (using the IAP instructions above) and run,

sudo /wireguard-server.sh

(requires terraform >= v0.12)

(example of the entire terraform process): asciicast