- Which are the top 5 authors with the most citations (from other papers). Return author names and number of citations.
- Which are the top 5 authors with the most collaborations (with different authors). Return author names and number of collaborations.
- Which is the author who has wrote the most papers without collaborations. Return author name and number of papers.
- Which author published the most papers in 2001? Return author name and number of papers.
- Which is the journal with the most papers about “gravity” (derived only from the paper title) in 1998. Return journal and number of papers.
- Which are the top 5 papers with the most citations? Return paper title and number of citations.
- Which were the papers that use “holography” and “anti de sitter” (derived only from the paper abstract). Return authors and title.
- Find the shortest path between ‘C.N. Pope’ and ‘M. Schweda’ authors (use any type of edges). Return the path and the length of the path. Comment about the type of nodes and edges of the path.
- Run again the previous query (8) but now use only edges between authors and papers. Comment about the type of nodes and edges of the path. Compare the results with query 8.
- Find all authors with shortest path lengths > 25 from author ‘Edward Witten’. The shortest paths will be calculated only on edges between authors and articles. Return author name, the length and the paper titles for each path.
create constraint on (a:Author) assert a.name is unique;
create constraint on (o:Article) assert o.id is unique;
loading article nodes 29555 nodes
LOAD CSV FROM "file:///ArticleNodes.csv" as row
CREATE (a:Article{id: toInteger(row[0])})
set a.title = row[1],
a.year = date(row[2]),
a.jurnal = row[3],
a.abstract = row[4]
LOAD CSV FROM "file:///AuthorNodes.csv" as row
Merge (a:Author{name: row[1]})
Added 15420 labels, created 15420 nodes, set 15420 properties, completed after 833 ms.
LOAD CSV FROM "file:///AuthorNodes.csv" as row
match(a:Article{id: toInteger(row[0])})
match(o:Author{name: row[1]})
LOAD CSV FROM "file:///Citations.csv" as row
with row, split(row[0], " ") as srow
match(article1:Article{id: toInteger(srow[0])})
match(article2:Article{id: toInteger(srow[1])})
where article1.id <> article2.id
match(a:Article)-[:REFERENCES]->(reciver:Article) match(o:Author)-[:WROTE]->(reciver:Article)
return o.name, count(reciver) as count order
by count desc
limit 5
Created 58340 relationships, completed after 1529 ms.
where author1.name <> author2.name
MERGE (author1)-[:COLLABORATED]->(author2)
return a.name , count(c) as count
order by count desc
limit 5
author | colaborations |
"C.N. Pope" | 50 |
"S. Ferrara" | 46 |
"M. Schweda" | 46 |
"H. Lu" | 45 |
"C. Vafa" | 45 |
with article as article,count(*) as c, a as a
where c<2
return a.name, count(a.name) as amount
order by amount desc
author name | number of papers |
"C.N. Pope" | 127 |
"H. Lu" | 122 |
"A.A. Tseytlin" | 111 |
"Edward Witten" | 98 |
"Shinichi Nojiri" | 92 |
where a.year = date("2001")
return o.name, count(o) as count
order by count desc limit 1
result -> "Ashok Das" 17
where a.title CONTAINS 'gravity' and a.year = date("1998")
return a.jurnal, count(*) as rank
order by rank desc
limit 1
result -> "Nucl.Phys." 25
return a.title, count(*) as rank
order by rank desc
limit 5
title | citations |
The Large N Limit of Superconformal Field Theories and Supergravity" | 2414 |
Anti De Sitter Space And Holography" | 1775 |
"Gauge Theory Correlators from Non-Critical String Theory" | 1641 |
"Monopole Condensation And Confinement In N=2 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills" | 1299 |
"M Theory As A Matrix Model: A Conjecture" | 1199 |
where a.abstract contains "holography" and a.abstract contains "anti de sitter"
return o.name, a.title
result-> null
where a.abstract contains "holography"
return o.name, a.title
author name | title |
"Petr Horava" | "Probable Values of the Cosmological Constant in a Holographic Theory" |
"Djordje Minic" | "Probable Values of the Cosmological Constant in a Holographic Theory" |
"U. Moschella" | "Decomposing Quantum Fields on Branes" |
"R. Schaeffer" | "Decomposing Quantum Fields on Branes" |
"J. Bros" | "Decomposing Quantum Fields on Branes" |
"M. Bertola" | "Decomposing Quantum Fields on Branes" |
"V. Gorini" | "Decomposing Quantum Fields on Branes" |
"Itzhak Bars" | "Two-Time Physics in Field Theory" |
"J.G. Russo" | "Hyperbolic Spaces in String and M-Theory" |
"A. Kehagias" | "Hyperbolic Spaces in String and M-Theory" |
where a.abstract contains "anti de sitter"
return o.name, a.title
return -> null
match(a:Author{name: 'C.N. Pope'})
match(b:Author{name: 'M. Schweda'})
match p=shortestPath((a)-[*]-(b))
return p
result -> length = 4
match(a:Author{name: 'C.N. Pope'})
match(b:Author{name: 'M. Schweda'})
match p=shortestPath((a)-[:WROTE]-(b))
return p, length(p) as length
no result like no papers connect the two