This repo contains ruby implementation of some of my favorite algorithm problems.
##Dijkstra Algorithm Implementation
djk = Dijkstra.new
djk.set_graph ["ab4", "bc5"]
djk.shortest_path "a", "b" #=> 8
##Knuth-Morris-Pratt Implementation
####find string in another string
KMP.search "abc", "xxabcxxx" #=> true
####find max chars found between two strings
KMP.max_match "abcd", "ab" #=> 2
##Fill Paint Algorithms
Given a screen (2d array) of colors, a point and a new color, fill in the surrouding area util the color changes from the original color
p = Paint.new
p.map = [["a","a","a"],
p.fill 0, 0, "b", "a"
p.map #=> [["b","b","b"],