
An experimentation of implementing a relational database by using google sheet API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An experimentation of implementing a relational database by using google sheet API

Config: client_secret.json

  "installed": {


npm install


const db=require("./db.js");

db.init(); // initialize schema file

db.create("database1"); // create 

db.select("database1"); // select the database

db.addTable("table1"); // create a table called `table1`

db.addColumn("table1", ["col1", "col2" ...]) // "migrate" columns to schema

db.addRow("table1", {col1: "val1", col2: "val2"}) // append a row

db.updateRow("table1", {col2: "change to val3"}) // change the value of col2 only

db.getRow("table1", 1) // get the first row record

Authentication Flow

ExcelDB impplement Google oauth2 before each function call. If user is not logged in, there will be a prompt to ask the user to follow login link to login to their google drive account. Once authenticated, a file sheets.googleapis.com-credentials.json will be created to hold token and refresh token.


db.deleteRow()   // deleting a row
db.where()   // search base on a attribute
db.deleteTable // deleting a table
db.getColumn() // the value for a given column of data
db.all() // get all the record 

Reserved Columns
  • id // primary Id
  • created_at
  • updated_at