This project is a RESTful API for a school management system built using Jakarta EE8, JAX-RS, and Hibernate. It provides endpoints for CRUD operations and follows the DAO (Data Access Object) and DTO (Data Transfer Object) design patterns for managing school-related data.
Java 11: The project is written in Java 11, ensuring compatibility and leveraging modern language features.
Maven: Maven is used for project management and dependency resolution.
Servlet API 4.0.1: The Servlet API provides the foundation for handling HTTP requests and responses.
Jersey 2.34: Jersey is used for building RESTful web services with JAX-RS.
Hibernate 6.1.7.Final: Hibernate is employed for object-relational mapping (ORM) to interact with the database.
MySQL Connector 8.0.32: This connector is used to connect the application to the MySQL database.
SLF4J and Logback: SLF4J is the Simple Logging Facade for Java, and Logback is used for logging.
HikariCP 5.0.1: HikariCP provides a high-performance connection pool for database connections.
Hibernate HikariCP 6.1.6.Final: This is a Hibernate-specific integration of HikariCP.
Hibernate Validator 6.0.1.Final: Hibernate Validator is used for data validation.
Jersey Media JSON Jackson 2.34: This library enables JSON support for Jersey.
Jersey CDI2 SE 2.34: It provides CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) support for Jersey.
Weld SE Core 3.1.9.Final: Weld is used for CDI in Java SE environments.
JUnit 5.9.2: JUnit is used for testing the application.
CRUD Operations: Implement Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations for school-related data.
DAO and DTO: Follow the DAO (Data Access Object) and DTO (Data Transfer Object) patterns for structured data access.
Service and Controllers: Organize the application into service and controller layers for a clear separation of concerns.
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