Series of scripts for compiling a de-duped title list of journals.
Scripts are to be run in numerical order, using source data as is modeled in the samples/
The ISSN-L data is available from the ISSN center.
Export all journals, with subjects in multiple-columns, in UTF-8, unjoined (as report.csv
). Then scope the list to journals using the following command:
`grep -f ./ss-subject-list.txt report.csv > "SS title list journals subjects.csv"`
Acquire data in csv format using the included PGSQL queries. Filter to remove delimiters and retain only the first two ISSNs.
Export titles all journals from SS Export all journals, with subjects in multiple-columns, in UTF-8, unjoined (as report.csv). Use \t as separator and no quoting. Then scope the list to journals using the following command:
grep -f ./aahsl-title-count/ss-subject-list.txt report.csv > "SS title list journals subjects.csv"
Run queries in PgAdmin -update year to current year -output as "UCLID title list.txt" and "UCLID title list2.txt" with \t as separator and no quoting
Join 2 files together with
$ find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.txt" | xargs -n 1 tail -n +1 > UCLID_combined.txt $ mv UCLID_combined.txt UCLID\ title\ list.txt
- note: the tail -n +1 might need to be -n +2 depending on if column headers were included when queries were run
- if multiple tabs appear as separators in the txt file, use this command to remove them:
sed "s;\\\t\\\t;\\\t;g;" UCLID_combined.txt > UCLID_combined_fixed.txt
make sure "SS title list journals subjects.csv" is in same dir as python scripts
$ python 1\ -\ SS\ parse\ and\
make sure "UCLID title list.txt" is in same dir as python scripts
$ python 2\ -\ UCLID\
bring the SS and UCLID files together with
cat "UCLID parsed.txt" "SS title list parsed and deduped.txt" > "master index draft.txt"
make sure "master index draft.txt" and "ISSN_to_ISSN-L_20120801.txt" are in same dir as python scripts
$ python 3\ -\ ISSN-L\ > master\ index\ ISSN\ fixed.txt
remove two extra newline chars from end of file "master index ISSN fixed.txt"
python 4\ -\ dedup\ index\ > master\ index\ ISSN\ and\ title\ fixed.txt
python 5\ -\ Super-duper-deduper\!.py
Final title count is in "AAHSL final list.txt"
Switch to diffs directory
$ cp (path to last year's "SS title list parsed and deduped.txt") ./SS_titles_deduped_2014.txt"
where 2014 is last year
$ cp ../SS\ title\ list\ parsed\ and\ deduped.txt ./SS_titles_deduped_2015.txt"
where 2015 is this year
$ cp ../AAHSL\ final\ list.txt ./AAHSL_final15.txt
where 15 is the current year $ cp (path to last year's AAHSL\ final\ list.txt) ./AAHSL_final14.txt
where 14 is last year
get titles lost and titles gained
$python $python $python $python