TODO: Add description
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding pims_play
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:pims_play, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at
There is a queue of visit_pims_id. This queue is a cache (@ezyvet_invoice_queue) (what puts data in here)
The scheduler runs this task every 10 seconds Instinct.PIMS.process_ezyvet_invoice()
THis will get 1 visit_pims_id out of the queue and call
If the queue is empty, it will refill the queue by re-fetching the list of visit_pims_ids -
will check the timestamp of the pvl data for that visit_id If it is expired, it will refresh it from the API. Otherwise it uses the cached version if it exists. -
Refreshing the pvl for a visit will get all line items for that appointment.
- THis runs every 2 minutes.
- It runs process_checkins() and process_checkouts()
- THis will get the list of visits from the PIMS and create the visits in ITP if it doesn't exist
Maintain a list of active visit_ids in state
API functions to add and delete visi_ids. These willbe called during checkin/chckout
Use cache to store the retrived pvl line_items
A new visit should send a message to the PIMS API to fetch that PVL
We should look at the age of each cacahe item and refresh when it reaches a certain age. We could poll or store a
function that does t automatically.Could we do something like this: