Project Spark Files for the CloudShifters game
The CloudShifters game was made to run on Project Spark, which made it available for free to Xbox One users as well as Windows 10 users. Microsoft picked it as one of the top games for the platform, and featured it on the home screen for the app. The game was comissioned for the Cloud Lands Saga Books ( and players could win various real world prizes, such as the ability to name a character in future books in the series.
The game is a zelda-type fighting, puzzle RPG with about 90 minutes of total gameplay. You can see a video playthrough at ( The game features saves, jumping through worlds, custom art, a level system, magic, various weapons, etc.
The game consists of 4 levels
GLADE - Get help from your friend Lep, explore your home town and the surrounding forests, and finally defeat the bully Gregor who is blocking the path to school.
GLADE HIGH SCHOOL - Earn your wings by completing a set of challenges (finding rats, collecting dragon eggs, several battles, a puzzle platformer, a maze,etc) and defeating a dragon.
GLADE ATTACKED - With your pet dragon Gur, come home to find your village attacked by several potent foes. Earn extra experience in the Monster Arena, and then take on Cypher and his flying gine which grant periodic invincibility.
TIBERIUS'S PALACE - Solve the puzzles, avoid the gaze of the eyes, and infiltrate the palace of the leader of the Tlalocs until you come face to face with Tiberius himself.
Unfotunately, Microsoft shut down the servers for Project Spark in Aug 2016. If you ever had Project Spark installed for Windows 10, you can download these level files from here or from and play the game. It is not currently possible to install Project Spark if your Microsoft account didn't previously download it.