
Example of using the LiquidPlanner API

Primary LanguageC++

##These files show how to access the LiquidPlanner API from:

  • C#
  • C++
  • Go
  • Java
  • Perl
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • VB.net

If you don't already have a LiquidPlanner account, you can sign up at:

See the docs at:

for more info on the API.


If you don't have Visual Studio, you can get Visual C# Express free from Microsoft:

You'll need the JSON.net library from CodePlex:

Unzip the JSON.net library, open the LP project, and add a reference to the JSON.net DLL in the unzipped files.


The C++ example uses the following libraries

  • Google Test
  • JsonCpp
  • Boost C++ Libraries
  • restclient-cpp

On Ubuntu, you can install them with:

$ sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev

# you will need to compile and install.
# installed files can be found in /usr/src/gtest

$ sudo apt-get install libjsoncpp-dev

$ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

$ git submodule init
$ cd inc/restclient-cpp

# if you're on ubuntu 12.10 or later, use AutoMake.

# Otherwise:

$ git checkout 5a5e6b05e809a9d8aac32c937ba2e8654a1aa5a7
$ make


To use the Go example:

Follow the instructions at https://golang.org/doc/code.html to setup your go workspace.

Create a package and copy go/liquidplanner_demo.go into into it.

You will need to to fetch two packages

$ go get code.google.com/p/gopass
$ go get github.com/liquidplanner/liquidplanner_go 

$ go build github.com/YOUR_NAME/YOUR_PACKAGE
$ go install github.com/YOUR_NAME/YOUR_PACKAGE


The Java example uses the GSON library:


The Perl example uses the following libraries from CPAN

  • REST::Client
  • IO::Uncompress::Gunzip
  • JSON
  • Term::ReadKey


Uses libraries included with a standard PHP install.

On Ubuntu, you may need to install php5-curl

apt-get install php5-curl


The Python example uses the requests library:


The Ruby example uses httparty:


As with C#, you can use VB.net Express:

and you'll need the JSON.net library from CodePlex: