
Primary LanguageJavaScript



* Ioannis Maliaras  - 1115201500084
* Ioannis Cheilaris - 1115201500176
* Vasileios Sioros  - 1115201500144


FreeBay is a clone of the well-known online auction service "E-Bay".



Following instructions are made on linux Ubuntu

# From root folder
sudo ./dependencies.sh


Follow instructions in Setup_MySQL.md if you have not configured your mysql server.

# From root folder
./create.sh -c -t items-0.xml
# Check create.sh for more information on what to insert

This creates the database from script ./src/server/database/sql/create.sql, inserts data from items-0.xml file and inserts data from ./src/server/database/sql/insert_tests.sql.

Our connection is:

    host: 'localhost',
    user: 'root',
    password: 'password',
    database: 'freebay',
    multipleStatements: true

Actual site

This project is implemented using Reactjs and Node.js mostly. That means that nodejs and npm must be installed.

# From app folder
npm install

This installs everything that the app needs to run

Run - Test

# From app folder
npm run server

# From another terminal
npm start

# From another terminal
npm run watcher # a program that ends auctions asynchronously when their time comes

# From another terminal
npm run python-server

Test Users

Username Password
username password
rulabula password