
Parsing homework assignments and generating LaTeX

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

LaTeX Homework Parser

Set Up

python -m venv env
pip install -r requirements.txt


python parse.py -l example/homework.pdf -s example/solution.tex

The script is expecting a PDF file containing distinctly numbered sections, such as this.

The script can be run with no input file, in which case it will create a non assignment-specific LaTeX template.

Available Options

usage: parse.py [-h] [-l LOAD] -s SAVE [-f]

LaTeX Project Base Generation

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-l LOAD, --load LOAD  specify the input file
-s SAVE, --save SAVE  specify the output file
-f, --force           do not prompt before overwriting


Configuration can be achieved through a JSON configuration file, by the name of .config.json.

An example of such a file' s contents can be seen below.

    "title": {
        "primary": "Lorem Ipsum",
        "secondary": "Consectetur adipiscing elit"
    "authors": [
        "Nullam lacinia"
    "packages": [
    "commands": {
        "R": "\\mathbb{R}",
        "N": "\\mathbb{N}",
        "norm": "\\left\\lVert#1\\right\\rVert",
        "abs": "\\left\\lvert#1\\right\\rvert",
        "margin": "\\hspace{4pt}",
        "code": "\\lstinputlisting[caption={#2}]{#1}"
    "environments": {
        "rcases": {
            "begin": "\\left.\\begin{aligned}",
            "end": "\\end{aligned}\\right\\rbrace"
        "matlab": {
            "begin": "\\begin{figure}[hp]\\centering\\captionsetup{justification=centering}",
            "end": "\\end{figure}"