Authored by Jaime Wissner
Simply adds a billing alert and sns topic to alert when a threshold is reached. You still need to subscribe to the sns topic manually. Working on a solution to that.
Visit the registry page for more information.
module "billing_alert" {
source = "billtrust/billing-alarm/aws"
# Will be appended to SNS topic and alarm name
aws_env = "dev"
# Alarm when estimated monthly charges are above this amount
monthly_billing_threshold = 10000
# Currency is optional and defaults to USD
currency = "USD"
There are only two required variables for this. The environment this is running in (e.g. dev, stage, prod), and the threshold of estimated charges that will trigger the alarm (a monetary amount).
This metric is checked every 8 hours, and a single metric sample above the threshold amount will trigger an alarm state. The metric is named billing-alarm-${lower(currency)}-${aws_env}
The alarm action is automatically set to the created SNS topic, billing-alarm-notification-${lower(currency)}-${aws_env}
Currency is an optional variable. It defaults to USD, however you can provide any currency abbreviation (e.g. CAD, EUR, JPY) so you can seperate billing alerts by currency. I don't know if that's a common thing, but it's a provided dimension by Amazon, so I added support for it here.
The module outputs one block, sns_topic. Access it like this:
output "sns_topic" {
value = "${module.billing_alert.sns_topic}"
For the example block at the top of the readme, it would print the following as output:
A billing alarm has been set for this account with a threshold of USD 10000.
Any estimated charges above this amount will trigger an alarm publish to the SNS topic below.
!! Subscribe emails to arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:billing-alarm-notification-usd-dev for billing alarms