
A plugin for Jekyll to generate a user's public Pinboard bookmarks

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Pinboard tag plugin for Jekyll

Generates a list of links from a user's public Pinboard bookmarks.


{% pinboard user:username limit:# tags:tag,tag %}


{% pinboard user:ericdfields limit:15 tags:ruby,rails %}

All paramaters are optional, e.g.:

{% pinboard user:ericdfields %}

The only parameters you can pass with the tag are: user, limit, and tags.

Configuration options available for use in _config.yml:

  user:       "ericdfields"
  limit:      15
  tags:       "ruby,jekyll"
  list_tag:   "ol"
  list_class: "pinboard-list"
  new_tab:    false
  show_desc:  false

Configuration option info:


The Pinboard user whose links you want to display. The default is ericdfields.


The number of Pinboard bookmarks you want to display. The default is 15.


The Pinboard tag (or tags) you want to display from your bookmarks. Separate tags with commas. If no tags are provided, the most recent bookmarks across all tags will be displayed.


The HTML tag you want to surround the list of links. The default is ol, for an ordered list.


The CSS class you want the surrounding list to have. The default is pinboard-list.


Set this to true if you want the links to open in a new tab/window. The default is false.


Set this to true if you want the description of your Pinboard bookmark to be displayed (if available) in a blockquote. The default is false.

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