qubic.li - Client

This is the main client component from qubic.li. It connects to the backend api and receives tasks to perform.

The Client runs on Docker, Windows and Linux. Below you find the instructions how to use it.

  1. Security Warning
  2. Pool Mining
  3. Download
  4. What's needed
  5. Windows
  6. Linux Service Installatin
    1. Ubuntu 22.04
    2. Debian 12
    3. Redhat Enterprise 8.8
    4. Monitoring
    5. Service Customizing
    6. Remove Client
  7. Troubleshooting

Security Warning

The client is able to download runners, which then performs the AI Training tasks. This can potentially be used in a bad manner. Run the client with the least priviliges which are possble. e.g. on windows NOT as Admininstrator; on linux NOT as root.

Find more information about the "principle of least privilege" on wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_least_privilege

Pool Mining

If you don't want to operate your own Qubic infrastructure. You can join the qubic.li pool mining. You can either register an account on qubic.li or you can join pool mining register-less.

If you want to create your own account, follow the instructions here: https://doc.qubic.world/becoming-a-computor-miner/how-to-participate

If you want regitration-less pool mining, do the following:

  1. Create a Qubic Id (e.g. on https://wallet.qubic.li)
  2. Download Client from below (Version >=1.2)
  3. Start your Client with qli-Client <QUBICID> <THREADS>
  4. Check your performance: https://app.qubic.li/public

You can also put your PayoutId into the configuration file if you don't want to use command line arguments.


We recommend to update your Version if there is a change in the Minor Version (e.g. from 1.3 to 1.4). Bugfix releases (e.g. from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2) are optional.

OS Platform Version Download Description
Windows x64 1.7.9 https://dl.qubic.li/downloads/qli-Client-1.7.9-Windows-x64.zip
Windows x64 1.7.9 https://dl.qubic.li/downloads/qli-Client-1.7.9-Windows-x64-Plain.zip Version without default configuration
Linux x64 1.8.0 https://dl.qubic.li/downloads/qli-Client-1.8.0-Linux-x64.tar.gz Min Version for GPU
Linux x64 1.8.1 https://dl.qubic.li/downloads/qli-Client-1.8.1-beta-Linux-x64.tar.gz Linux Beta

What's needed

The runner on windows needs also the VC Redistributable which can be obtained from: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-US/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170

The runner on linux needs at least GLIBC 2.34.

The CPU where you run the Client must support AVX2 or AVX512 CPU instructions.

Command Line Arguments vs. Configuration

You can either start the Client by providing command line arguments or using an appsettings.json file.

Argument Default Value Description
PayoutId NULL The Qubic ID you want to receive the mining payouts if you participate in pool mining
Threads 1 How many threads should be used for the AI Training.
Alias qubic.li Client You can give your Client a Name which will be displayed in the


You can run the client directly in your Windows. The Client provices a .exe file which can be executed by a double click.

Download the Client from the above link. The Client must not be installed.

Linux Service

To install the qubic.li Service you can use our quick installation guide. Please consider to check the content of the service installation script. All commands should either be executed by root or you need to prepend the sudo command.

The installerscript places all qubic.li stuff in /q.

Ubuntu 22.04

Don't forget to replace the token from the below examples with your own.

# update your sources
apt update
# download service installation script with autoupdate
# wget -O qli-Service-install.sh https://dl.qubic.li/cloud-init/qli-Service-install-auto.sh
# download service installation script without auto update
wget -O qli-Service-install.sh https://dl.qubic.li/cloud-init/qli-Service-install.sh
# set the script as executable
chmod u+x qli-Service-install.sh
# install qubic.li client as systemd service
# Syntax: qli-Service-install.sh <threads> <accessToken|payoutId> [alias]
./qli-Service-install.sh 2 eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJJZCI6IjVlNjJhZjhjLWU5ZTgtNDBiMS04ZmMyLTM5Mzg0Mzk5OTcwNyIsIk1pbmluZyI6IiIsIm5iZiI6MTY3MjE3MTIwMywiZXhwIjoxNzAzNzA3MjAzLCJpYXQiOjE2NzIxNzEyMDMsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcXViaWMubGkvIiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9xdWJpYy5saS8ifQ.DJkHv_2K0eNiAkjKia8bxag5I4ixOtjk36AGE6zwzxiEFO_w8ovsoLY4ARONUwnak_N-5-W69PJbbKCphyICpQ

for ubuntu 20.04 you might need to install a more recent libc version.

# add repo (use a mirror near your location from: https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/amd64/libc6/download)
echo "deb http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt update
apt install libc6
apt install -y g++-11

Debian 12

# download service installation script with autoupdate
# wget -O qli-Service-install.sh https://dl.qubic.li/cloud-init/qli-Service-install-auto.sh
# download service installation script
wget -O qli-Service-install.sh https://dl.qubic.li/cloud-init/qli-Service-install.sh
# set the script as executable
chmod u+x qli-Service-install.sh
# install qubic.li client as systemd service
# Syntax: qli-Service-install.sh <threads> <accessToken|payoutId> [alias]
./qli-Service-install.sh 2 eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJJZCI6IjVlNjJhZjhjLWU5ZTgtNDBiMS04ZmMyLTM5Mzg0Mzk5OTcwNyIsIk1pbmluZyI6IiIsIm5iZiI6MTY3MjE3MTIwMywiZXhwIjoxNzAzNzA3MjAzLCJpYXQiOjE2NzIxNzEyMDMsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcXViaWMubGkvIiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9xdWJpYy5saS8ifQ.DJkHv_2K0eNiAkjKia8bxag5I4ixOtjk36AGE6zwzxiEFO_w8ovsoLY4ARONUwnak_N-5-W69PJbbKCphyICpQ

for debian 11 you might need to install a more recent libc version.

Redhat Enterprise 8.8


# Update packages
sudo yum update
# download service installation script with autoupdate
# wget -O qli-Service-install.sh https://dl.qubic.li/cloud-init/qli-Service-install-auto.sh
# download service installation script
rm qli-Service-install.sh || wget https://dl.qubic.li/cloud-init/qli-Service-install.sh
# set the script as executable
chmod u+x qli-Service-install.sh
# install qubic.li client as systemd service
# Syntax: qli-Service-install.sh <threads> <accessToken|payoutId> [alias]
sudo ./qli-Service-install.sh 2 eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJJZCI6IjVlNjJhZjhjLWU5ZTgtNDBiMS04ZmMyLTM5Mzg0Mzk5OTcwNyIsIk1pbmluZyI6IiIsIm5iZiI6MTY3MjE3MTIwMywiZXhwIjoxNzAzNzA3MjAzLCJpYXQiOjE2NzIxNzEyMDMsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcXViaWMubGkvIiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9xdWJpYy5saS8ifQ.DJkHv_2K0eNiAkjKia8bxag5I4ixOtjk36AGE6zwzxiEFO_w8ovsoLY4ARONUwnak_N-5-W69PJbbKCphyICpQ

Service Monitoring

You can manage your qubic.li Client with the systemd control.

Start Service: systemctl start qli Stop Service: systemctl stop qli Status Service: systemctl status qli

you can also see what is going on by observing the logs. the service logs to /var/log/qli.log or /var/log/qli.error.log.

to live watch it on the console, use tail -f /var/log/qli.log.


you can customize the settings of your client in the settings file /q/appsettings.json

This file contains the configuration of your client and need to be placed at the same location as the executable. You can create a custom file with the name appsettings.production.json which has higher priority to be loaded.

Setting Default Value Description
baseUrl https://mine.qubic.li/ The Base Url of the API
amountOfThreads 1 How many threads should be used for the AI Training.
accessToken* JWT Token This is you personal JWT Token which you can obtain from the Control Panel at qubic.li
payoutId* NULL This is the ID you want to get token payout for your found solutions.
alias qli Client You can give your Client a Name which will be displayed in the Control Panel. If empty it uses the Hostname.
useAvx2 false !DEPRECATED! Set this to true to force the Client to use only AVX2
allowHwInfoCollect false With that option set to true the client will collect CPU model, CPU Cache Size and RAM Size to get optimal runner for that maschine
threadsDaySchedule empty Can be used to schedule the training. e.g. training should only run during night time.
customRunner false Set this to true to use a custom trainer. The Client will not automatically update runner. Details
serviceLock false Set this to true to use a custom trainer with qiner protocol.
overwrites {} An object to overwrite specific settings. (e.g. "AVX512":false to disable AVX512)
autoupdateEnabled false Set this to true to enable auto update of the service client (from version 1.7.8)
checkUpdateEnabled true Checks if there is a new version of the service client when starting

*Only one of these can be defined.

sample configuration with token

	"Settings": {
		"baseUrl": "https://mine.qubic.li/",
		"amountOfThreads": 16,
		"alias": "Client 3",
		"accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJJZCI6IjVlNjJhZjhjLWU5ZTgtNDBiMS04ZmMyLTM5Mzg0Mzk5OTcwNyIsIk1pbmluZyI6IiIsIm5iZiI6MTY3MjE3MTIwMywiZXhwIjoxNzAzNzA3MjAzLCJpYXQiOjE2NzIxNzEyMDMsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcXViaWMubGkvIiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9xdWJpYy5saS8ifQ.DJkHv_2K0eNiAkjKia8bxag5I4ixOtjk36AGE6zwzxiEFO_w8ovsoLY4ARONUwnak_N-5-W69PJbbKCphyICpQ"

sample configuration with payout id

	"Settings": {
		"baseUrl": "https://mine.qubic.li/",
		"amountOfThreads": 16,
		"alias": "My super miner",

Remove Client

To remove the qubic.li Client execute the following commands.

# stop service
systemctl stop qli --no-block
# remove service definition
rm /etc/systemd/system/qli.service
# reload systemd
systemctl daemon-reload
# remove all related files
rm -R /q
rm /var/log/qli.log


The Client creates a folder log where all error messages are stored. If the Client stops unexpected or doesn't open check if there is a log file with current date and check the error messages.

Reset Configuration

if your trainer isn't working properly. try the following to reset local configuration:

# stop trainer
systemctl stop qli --no-block
# delete any existing configuration lock
rm /q/*.lock
# delete current runner
rm /q/qli-runner
# delete old solutions
find /q/. -maxdepth 1 -regextype posix-extended -regex '.*\.e[[:digit:]]+' -delete
# delete state files
find /q/. -maxdepth 1 -regextype posix-extended -regex 'state\.[[:digit:]]+' -delete
# start trainer
systemctl start qli --no-block

Reset Server

if you think the client reports wrong or random hashrate you could restart your server. Or stop all qli services. (e.g. for linux: systemctl stop qli --no-block && pkill -f qli && systemctl start qli)

Possible Optimizations

Every specific CPU or general Hardware configuration can need speific performance settings. Depending on your Setup you can try:

  1. Enable/Disable SMT/HT in Bios
  2. Choose another runner via Webinterface: https://app.qubic.li/main/mining/control
  3. Enabled/Disable Performance Boost (Windows)
  4. Enable/Disable specific Power Schema (Ubuntu)
  5. Add/Remove wine in linux. (for ubuntu: apt install wine -y or apt autoremove wine -y
  6. Adjust Threads to your needs. Sometimes less threads is more effective thatn to many.