
This project consists of a simple task manager web application developed using Flask, a micro web framework for Python. The application allows users to manage tasks, including adding, editing, and deleting tasks. It utilizes SQLAlchemy as an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool to interact with a SQLite database.

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Task Manager Using Flask

Project README

This project consists of a simple task manager web application developed using Flask, a micro web framework for Python. The application allows users to manage tasks, including adding, editing, and deleting tasks. It utilizes SQLAlchemy as an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool to interact with a SQLite database.

Project Structure

The project includes several files and directories:


This is the main Python script that initializes the Flask application. It configures the secret key and database URI, sets up the SQLAlchemy database, and imports the routes from the routes.py file. The Flask app is run with debugging enabled when this script is executed.


This file defines Flask-WTF forms used in the application for user input. It includes forms for adding and editing tasks. These forms handle data validation and submission.


The models.py file defines the database model used in the application. It includes a Task class with attributes such as id, title, date, and desc to represent tasks. This class is used for creating and querying the database.


In routes.py, you'll find the routes and views for the Flask application. It defines routes for displaying the task list, adding tasks, editing tasks, and deleting tasks. Views are implemented using Flask's render_template function.

Templates (HTML files)

Several HTML templates are used to render the web pages. They include:

  • base.html: The base template for all pages. It includes navigation links and handles message flashing.
  • add.html: The template for adding a new task.
  • delete.html: The template for confirming task deletion.
  • edit.html: The template for editing an existing task.
  • index.html: The main page displaying the list of tasks.


To run the project:

  1. Ensure you have Python and the required libraries installed.
  2. Open your command-line interface.
  3. Navigate to the project directory.
  4. Execute python app.py.
  5. Open a web browser and access the application at


  • Flask: A micro web framework for Python.
  • Flask-WTF: An integration of the WTForms library for Flask.
  • SQLAlchemy: A SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library.