Find The Version Of Git

git --version

Create A New Git Repository

  1. Go to the fold of the project.

  2. Run git init

Clone An Existing Git Repository

Cloning is the process of pulling down a copy of a repository stored on a server.

  1. Go to the parent folder of where you want to repository's folder to be in.

  2. git clone [url to repository's git file] [name of folder / repository you want]

Check The Status Of A Git Repository

git status

Tell Git To Track A File

git add

Make A Commit

git commit --m "First commit"

Tell Git To Track A Whole Folder

git add chapter2/

Tell Git To Track (And Stage) All Files And Subfolders In A Directory

git add -A

View All Branches

git branch

Create A New Branch

git branch new_model

Switch To A Branch

git checkout new_model

Create A New Branch And Switch To It

git checkout -b new_ux

Merge One Branch Into Another

  1. Switch to the branch you want to pull changes into: git checkout master

  2. Pull changes from another branch into your branch: git merge new_ux

Set A Remote Github Repository

  1. Go to and create a new repository.

  2. Set that repository's url as the origin repo: git remote add origin

Push Master Branch To A Github Repository

The -u sets the origin as the default for this branch

git push -u origin master

Pull Down From A Branch From A GitHub Repository To Local Repository

git pull origin master

Pull Down All Branches From GitHub

git fetch origin

View All Remote Branches

git branch --remote

View Log

git log

View Unstagged Changes To Files

git diff

Unstage A File

git reset filename

Undo Last Commit, Move Commits Changes To Staging

git reset --soft HEAD^

Undo Last Commit, Remove All Changes In Your Working Directory

git reset --hard HEAD^

Clone A Remote Repository Locally

git clone url

Show Changes From A Particular Commit

git show --pretty="format:" <commitID>

Revert A Commit By Creating A New Commit With Opposite Changes

git revert <commitID>